NEW ONE FOR YA TA READ IF YOU SO WISH :) Sky© By Dot Sutton© - TopicsExpress


NEW ONE FOR YA TA READ IF YOU SO WISH :) Sky© By Dot Sutton© -Moon 7-10-06 Seven year old Zelda sat alone in the big room, her father is the new headmaster, and her mother is the new teacher, they had just moved into the house next door that is part of the old school. Hi, are you living in the house next door now? A voice asks. Zelda looked up and saw a young girl standing there in the doorway, and said yes, we are living there now. Do you come to this school? Zelda ask her, she notice that the girl had one green eye and one blue eye. Oh yes I do the girl replied, but you will not see me in your class as I have another class to go to, I have to go now. WAIT! What is your name, as mine is Zelda she shouted as the girl turned away and began to leave. My name is Sky, I will see you later Zelda she called back as she ran out of the room. Oh there you are Zelda, your tea is ready in a few minutes, so go and wash mother said. Don’t forget to brush your teeth Julie told her, and wash behind your ears young lady, she was smiling at her daughter. I wish we had another child so Zelda wouldn’t feel alone Julie told Archie, her husband, but it is not meant to be. On the Monday morning, all the children came to school and Julie told them, I am Mrs White. She got to know each child in her class as the months went by but didn’t notice how none of the other children played with Zelda or let her join in the games with them and she was too busy doing things and Zelda was left mostly on her own at home, and of course, in school. Why don’t the other children ever let you join in with them? Sky asks Zelda and she replied I don’t know and I don’t care either, I have you as my friend. Yes you do Sky told her, they don’t let me join in either and never have done, it is because I have father and my mother ran away with another man so my grandmother brought me up since I was two years old Sky said, she is all I have ever known and she loves me very much. Do you know that this school burnt down may years ago and they saved this half of it? Sky told her. No I didn’t know that Zelda replied, my parents never talk about schools in front of me, or anything else either. There came a day for the school play, all the parents got together in the old school hall and were helping out, then Julie saw the old woman on her own so she walked over to her saying hello, I am the teacher here and I am pleased to meet you do you have a grandchild here? Yes I use to have one here, but it many years ago now, my name is Katie the old woman said. Oh! Have you come help us out then Katie? As we need as many as we can Julie ask? Yes, I will help you all you want old Katie told her, I know this school like the back of my hands as I came here when I were a child, as did my mother and grandmother when they were children. Goodness me, this school must be older than I thought then Julie replied with a smile. Oh it is older than dirt Katie answered, then walked away, she started helping the other women. Julie went around the school while she had free time and came to the door she could never open, even with the key, it would not open, you will never open that door a voice said behind her, it has never opened for many years and should you ever open it, you will be sorry you did. Julie turned to see old Katie standing there, she looked so sad, do you know why it won’t open? Julie asks but old Katie walked away without saying a word, then she turned and looked at Julie saying, if I were you, I’d leave this school and find another. Julie went back to the others but couldn’t see old Katie anywhere, she was just about to ask when Archie came over and took her hand saying, how is everything going my love? Oh it is going great my sweet, everyone is helping, even the children Julie answered then forgot about the old woman. Do you want to see my room? Sky asks Zelda. Oh yes please she replied, I’d love to see it, so off they went hand in hand singing together. Much later Julie went looking for Zelda, she ask the children if they had seen her, it was then she found out they had nothing to do with her. She ask them the reason why? They told her they just didn’t like her as she never leaves the other girl. What other girl? Archie ask, Zelda is always on her own when I have seen her, please sir, she is always with another girl who stink of smoke, and never wash herself either one of the boys told him. WHAT! Are you telling me this other girl is smoking and my daughter is playing with her? Archie cried out as all the children went very quiet and he apologise to them for shouting as he is not angry with them, he is angry at his daughter and this other girl. He went looking for Zelda and found her in a class room on her own, she was writing and he had notice how well she was coming on in school lately, then it hit him how much they have neglected her. That night after supper, he spoke to her and ask about this other girl, she told him that Sky is the only friend she has and he looked at her saying I would like to meet her, will you bring her here tomorrow, after school so we can see her for ourselves? I cannot do that daddy as she won’t talk to anyone but me, she is afraid of grown up people as someone had hurt her a long time ago Zelda answered,i am sorry my princess, but if she does not meet us, then I forbid you to see her again Archie told her. But no matter how hard her parents tried to keep their daughter away from this Sky, they were told the two girls were still seen together but the day of school play arrived and everyone had turned out for it, including old Katie, who stood alone in the background. Old Katie is on her own again Julie told her husband, and then told him what she said about the door that cannot be opened. Well better to leave it shut he answered, she must know something about it that others don’t, so let’s leave it be. Old Katie went to them saying, please get out of this old school before it’s too late, I know something is going to happen as I can feel it, nothing will happen Archie told her, I will make sure of that as everyone is here. Everyone was here last time Katie answered when all went wrong and this school went up in flames, including this some of this part of it, ah yes, the fire Archie said, I was told about it before taking this job, but it is all in the past and it is over and done with now love. No! It is never over and done with as the past will repeat itself Katie answered and it will all start off again, then she walked away from them. Poor Katie must think the fire will start again Julie told him, do you know what started it years ago? Yes I do, I was told the old caretaker started it by falling asleep in the basement while smoking he told her, but our caretaker does not smoke as I made sure I picked a none smoker. Just then someone shouted they could smell smoke, and Zelda stood by her parents, she told her mother she going to fetch her friend as she said she would come tonight. Everyone searched the school but found no fire and Archie said it could be because of the past, it is today of the anniversary of the old school burning down and the play went ahead then at the end when everyone was clapping the little actors, they heard a big crash. NO! not again Katie cried, please not again, why can’t you leave her be? What is it Archie ask as he went over to her, what is wrong love? GET OUT! GET OUT NOW she shouted, before it’s too late. Everyone for some unknown reason ran out, and then Julie cried, where is Zelda? They could smell the smoke now as it was getting stronger and stronger, but they saw no flames yet. Katie ran back inside the school and Archie went after her, Julie ran after him. They all stopped by the door that wouldn’t open, but then saw it WAS open. LEAVE HER ALONE Katie cried, haven’t you done enough to her? And why should I leave alone a voice called back, they turned to see an old man standing there, if it wasn’t for her telling on me about smoking, I wouldn’t have got the sack he told them, she had to be punish. But why did you do what you did and hurt a lot of innocent young children Zelda ask him. Who the hell are you? He ask her. I am Sky’s friend and I love her like a sister Zelda answered, it wasn’t her who reported you, she tried to wake you up when you fell asleep when you were drunk it was a someone else who saw you and reported you to the headmaster but you thought it was Sky Katie told him, and it wasn’t her at all. You are just saying that he cried, I know it was her who did it, you just want me to stop hurting her old woman and I won’t. But it is true Katie replied, you have been hurting the wrong one for over a hundred years Teddy, I know who it was that reported you to the headmaster. You had on a light jacket as you had been out all night and didn’t have time to change, you were still drunk and stayed in the basement so no one could see you, but someone DID see you but you woke up and saw Sky walking away from you as the headmaster was with you at the time. When you next saw Sky you pretended to be friends with her after her telling you she never reported you, you got her in that room and did the worst thing to her without giving her a chance you then set the school on fire to cover your tracks but someone else blocked you from leaving here and you died in that same room as Sky. Yes I remember now that someone hit me over the head with something, but I never found out who it was Teddy answered, but what makes you so sure it wasn’t Sky who reported me and she replied i am very sure it wasn’t Sky because her grandmother came looking for her and saw what you did, and she too died in the fire. Then who reported me then? Teddy asks? I did, another voice called voice out, I was sick of you drinking all the time and taking it out on me, so I reported you. YOU! My own sister he cried out, but I didn’t see you here. Oh I was here she replied, when I was told Sky didn’t come home from school, I knew where she was and who she was with. But I got here too late to save her because you ranted in your sleep what you were going to do to her, I just wish I’d have told her grandmother to keep her away from school, she would have been alive if I had done so. I saw her grandmother going into the room then heard her scream, I got here just in time to see her fall to the floor, she never got up again and I knew she was dead and it was me, who hit you on the head as the fire took hold and I knew I’d never get out, alive. Now you can leave the child alone and let her got free, with her grandmother and you can hurt me for the next hundred years. He looked at her saying no, I am tired of all this hurting and haunting this room as I want to be free too then looked at Sky saying, please forgive me child for all I have done, I was drunk at the time but it is no excuse for what I did to you and I am so sorry and how i wish there were a way for us all to be free from here, but I doubt there is. Yes there is a way Julie told him, I can bring in a medium to help you all cross over, then Archie made a phone call, and half an hour later, a man came in, he did what mediums do then set them all free. Teddy looked at them saying thank you, then Zelda ask, what did you do to Sky sir? I was so drunk and didn’t remember at the time, but it was the next year that I saw what I did to her, but had to go through this year after year he replied. I brought Sky to this room, and gave her a drink of orange as I always did, but I had put a pill in it then I killed her, I was going to hide her body but then as we know now, her grandmother saw me, then my sister came running in. All of us had to go through every year as we all died in this same room, it was my sister who shut the door and cried out it will only open on the anniversary of this night. Just as they were beginning to fade, Zelda ask, but where is her grandmother? I am her grandmother old Katie replied. Thank you for being my friend Zelda, and thank you both for helping to set us free Sky said, you will have many new friends from now on and you will see me again. You are with child Julie but have been too busy to notice it, but you spend some time with Zelda too as I have been helping her with her school work. Then it all went very quiet, they had at last, passed over to the other side. Julie did have another baby and it was a girl with one green eye and one blue eye so they called her, Sky. The End
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 06:52:31 +0000

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