NEW UPDATE ON CAROL As Professor Farnsworth says Good news, - TopicsExpress


NEW UPDATE ON CAROL As Professor Farnsworth says Good news, everyone! I walked into her room this afternoon, and was floored to see that Carols color had completely returned, she was wide-eyed, wide-awake, and very much her old self again. :) Can I get a hallelujah? It was like night and day from yesterday to today. Shes alert, sitting up, looking much less like a Borg now that theyve remove the vast majority of the equipment (Including the machine that goes....PING!). Shes even watching awful tv shows. Her wise-arse sense of humor is back, and shes doing well. The big question mark is still the physical recovery, which is not a question of will it work, but how long it will take. The left arm is weak, but theres muscle tone and definite muscle exertion going on. That will probably be the main area of concern and work. Tonight, Ade visited again, bringing her a 6-pack of Coca-cola, some pumpkin Munchkins, and a bag of Sour Patch Kids. So where do we go from here? Right now, theyre slowly ending the meds shes on for blood pressure and stuff, and observing her very carefully. If she continues mending the way she is, they will soon move her to either a) a different floor for physical therapy, or b) check her into a physical rehab facility up here in Nashua! :) I think its safe to say that all those prayers and good thoughts have really worked. Theres still a lot of work to do, but at least the danger part appears past. Now we gotta get her out of that ICU, get working on those arms, and get her back into prop-building, drawing, knitting, gaming, etc. She misses her home, me, the kitties, her family, and talking with her friends. I somehow dont think theres going to be much of a haunt-related year this year for us, realistically. But I got my wife back. Thats all that matters. There will be other years, definitely. Everyone is still amazed that she actually had the rupture back on the 7th, and yet kept chugging along for almost two weeks! In fact, its so amazing that this one doctor whos doing research on strokes and aneurysms asked for blood and tissue samples from her to study. Naturally, Carol agreed because...SCIENCE!!!! So thats it. Thanks for the IMs, emails, phone calls, well-wishes, Skype messages, etc. Oh and we discovered belatedly that ICU patients cannot have flowers! :( And now, another: SCENES FROM THE ICU/MGH- Part 2 I wore my Latin I have a catapult t-shirt today, and kept quietly chuckling as all of these doctors kept trying to read the caption and figure out what it was saying! Fun times!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 02:47:04 +0000

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