NEW YEAR GOODWILL MESSAGE TO ALL OUR MEMBERS AND FRIENDS Congratulations and happy New Year to every member and every sincere friend of our great ministry, TRICC,both at home and abroad. Thank God for your degree of commitment and forthrightness towards us in the just concluded year and also blessed be the name of the Lord for all the great efforts you put up together with us in attaining our desired goals in that year; may the good Lord continue to lift up your hands in every area of your life and vocation, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. It is only a man that is doomed to be stagnated that can be rejoicing only in the victory of yesterday without creating further avenues for improvements on the attainments gone by. There is no doubt that we are already in our New Year, but calendar entrance can be so much frustrating if the spiritual access is not in proper view; there is need for us to be sensitive to the things around us in order not to be carried away in the ecstasy of the impending reality of the joy of the moment. It takes the Spirit of the Lord to engage the right gear in the realm of the spirit before taking-off effectively in the reality of divine plan for outstanding performance. If our God could enable us travel all through the just concluded year in an unstoppably upward progressive attainment of the set goals ahead of us, then it should be very clear that there is a settled destination that our God is leading us. The year 2015 has been loaded and spiced with all kinds of heavenly blessings that have earthly relevance towards us. But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold (Job 23:10). As in the study of science, it has been discovered and widely accepted that water flows through the area of least resistance. The same way, in the realm of the Spirit, the acts of God are channeled through the path of little or no hindrance to the fulfillment of divine plan, by the Spirit of the Lord. In every move of God there are designed glorious pathways, outside of which all other things are frustrated and disappointed. God has chosen the path of pleasant surprises to work out His grand plan into fulfillment and reality in the lives of His people in the New Year. If God has chosen an avenue to make known His purpose in any dispensation, nothing can stop Him or hinder Him from achieving His purpose. Therefore, the prophetic pointer for the Year 2015 is: “My Year Of Pleasant Surprises” Job 9:10 Brothers and sisters, friends and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ, the year 2015 shall be our year of all kinds of pleasantness, advancements and breakthroughs on every side; the year in which every stumbling block erected along your path shall be removed by the spirit of the Lord; the year in which death shall be swallowed up completely in victory; the year in which none of your labours shall be destroyed by the forces of darkness; it shall be your year of lifting and promotion by the hands of the Lord; the year of sound health and longevity as divine packages; the year in which barrenness shall be terminated and fruitfulness shall be registered in your favour; the year of dedication of new babies, new cars, new houses, new promotions and all other good things of life. Welcome, therefore to your year of no failure at all, in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Congratulations and happy New Year to you and to your entire household. Jesus Christ is Lord forever and ever. Shalom ! Pastor Adegoke Lawrence Sunday Adeyinka The Presiding Pastor, TRICC
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:55:23 +0000

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