NEW YEARS RESOLUTION TIME! CALL Embrace Wellness TO SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT OFFERING ALCAT TESTING AND PERSONALIZED HEALTH EVALUATIONS. USING NUTRAMETRIX IN CONJUNCTION WITH DIETARY CHANGES FOR A HEALTHY YOU! This is a great read giving info on ALCAT testing! It is New Years Resolution Time - Weight Loss Season is Here! It is January and patients are starting to ask how to safely, effectively, and permanently lose weight. Detoxification diets are in the news and can be helpful. But did you know, food sensitivities and poor digestive health may cause your patients to crave those foods to which they are intolerant. Just as a drug addict suffers withdrawal symptoms when the drug is withdrawn, patients with food sensitivities may experience discomfort when they lose access to a particular food. Overweight/Obese individuals can testify to the overwhelming power of food addiction. Compulsive eaters crave and continue to eat those intolerant foods to which they are addicted day after day. These daily food cravings or eating habits are based on a physiological need to stop withdrawal symptoms caused by food intolerance addiction. Lets look further: Poor Metabolism Ongoing research suggests that how well our metabolism functions is a key factor in weight loss or gain, and some of the foods that are most likely to trigger an intolerance are known to disrupt our metabolism. So much focus has been on calories in vs. calories out and there is much more to it than that. Research also shows that our metabolism works most efficiently when we eat a variety of nutrients. Ensuring that the body is functioning at a cellular level contributes to a functioning metabolism. Continuously eating foods that increase inflammation will slow down both metabolism and weight loss. Craving the Culprits It is common to crave our intolerant foods. An estimated 50 per cent of patients with a food intolerance crave the very food their bodies can’t handle. If we don’t get our regular fix, then withdrawal symptoms may kick in, often resulting in binge eating and weight gain. By removing intolerant foods, digestive health will be improved by normalizing the microbiome and help decrease cravings. Bloating & Fluid Retention In the case of fluid retention, an offending food appears to affect the body by increasing the permeability of the capillaries (fine blood vessels), which means that extra water flows into the cells. Abdominal bloating may also be a symptom of fluid retention, or it could be a sign that the digestive system is not dealing particularly well with a specific food, Either way, excess weight is the result. Improving digestive health is again an important key to weight loss. By eliminating offending foods, improving Vitamin D status (~75% of individuals have inadequate stores) and incorporating probiotics, digestive health can be restored, thereby, supporting weight loss. RESEARCH A 2011 study found that elite athletes who followed an ALCAT based elimination diet, saw significant improvement in both conditioning and body composition. A team of investigators led by Fabrizio Angelini studied eight elite (European football) athletes who were selected based on symptoms suspected of being food related. These athletes were placed on an ALCAT based elimination diet, followed for 8 months, then retested. There was significant improvement in the athletes condition and reduction in inflammatory response as seen through improvement in body composition. The ALCAT Test doesnt just help patients reduce symptoms that make them ill, it can also help them reach weight loss goals! To read the entire study, click here: https://alcat/pages/weight-management/ ***************************************** The Short Term Efficacy of the ALCAT Test of Food Sensitivities to Facilitate Changes in Body Composition and Self-Reported Disease Symptoms: A Randomized Controlled Study. The group following the ALCAT Test Plan lost significantly(p
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:15:10 +0000

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