NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS ARE A WASTE OF TIME!!! *PLEASE POST AGREE OR DISAGREE IN THE COMMENT SECTION BELOW* Unless you have a GENUINE REASON WHY you are going to make your goal happen, you will just become another statistic in the Did not achieve category. Just merely wanting a certain outcome is NOT ENOUGH. If you look behind the scenes at any success story, there is always an underlying reason WHY that person HAD to reach their goals....This reason WHY - MADE FAILURE NOT AN OPTION... Example: If I didnt make the career change - I would be stuck doing something I hate forever. I couldnt cope with that, and the impact that would have on my friends and family was too much to ignore If I didnt lose the weight - My doctor told me I was likely going to get type 2 Diabetes and / or Heart disease If I continued to work long hours and never see my family - I was going to end up losing them If I didnt get fully fit I was never going to fulfil my sporting career ability - and I would regret that for the rest of my life For this reason - New years RESOLUTIONS are a waste of time... The NEW YEAR is as good a time as any to start change in your life, but you MUST have a burning reason WHY - which means you cannot fail... regardless of what hurdles life throws at you... Dont set a New Years resolution By all means, spend time becoming clear on what you want - BUT THEN FOCUS YOUR EFFORTS ON FINDING YOUR BURNING REASON WHY IT MUST HAPPEN...not just give yourself a resolution. ONCE YOUVE GOT YOUR REASON WHY - Write up your goals AND the reason why you must succeed + Write up three daily action steps you must take to make this goal a reality... Keep this information somewhere you will see it every day.. On your computer, car dash board, fridge etc...
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:32:46 +0000

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