NEW YEARS WISH In light of the New Year, I just wanted to say - TopicsExpress


NEW YEARS WISH In light of the New Year, I just wanted to say that if I have offended anyone along the way, I apologize. I know that I am somewhat careless sometimes about the way that I say things. I could do with some heavenly tact. But if it is of any consolation, I do not mean to hurt anyone. . . THE REVIEW AND HERALD, January 3, 1882 Let us enter upon the new year with a clean record. Let faults be corrected. Let bitterness and malice be uprooted. Let right triumph over wrong. Let envy and jealousy between brethren be put away. Heartfelt, honest confession will heal grave difficulties. Then, with the love of God in the soul, there may flow from sincere lips the greeting, “I wish you a happy New Year. ...We ourselves may not live to see another year. Shall we not seek to improve the little time allotted us? Will not the church of Christ turn from their backslidings? Will they not cast aside their idols, repent of their love of the world, overcome their selfish greed, and open the door of the heart to bid the Saviour welcome? May the beginning of this year be a time that shall never be forgotten,—a time when Christ shall come in among us, and say, Peace be unto you. Brethren and sisters, I wish you, one and all, a happy New Year.” -Ellen White.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:19:14 +0000

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