NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge ruled Tuesday that the - TopicsExpress


NEW YORK (AP) — A federal judge ruled Tuesday that the self-described architect of the Sept. 11 attacks will not be allowed to testify in the terrorism trial of Osama bin Ladens son-in-law, but defense lawyers later asked him to reconsider. U.S. District Judge Lewis Kaplan firmly rejected a request by the lawyers to call Khalid Sheikh Mohammed as a witness at the trial of Sulaiman Abu Ghaith using live, closed-circuit video from Guantanamo Bay, where Mohammed is imprisoned. At a hearing during an off day at Abu Ghaiths trial, Kaplan told the defense that the testimony would be irrelevant because there was no evidence that Mohammed and Abu Ghaith had ever met or even been in the same country. He also criticized Abu Ghaiths lawyers for making the request at such a late stage. I have considered this very carefully, Kaplan said. This is much ado about nothing.;_ylt=Ar_.A5uIcba_RzSmvFoX6wOsQd04;_ylu=X3oDMTQ0NmFoMjNyBG1pdANBVFQgTW9iaWxlIEhvbWUgTWVnYXRyb24gMQRwa2cDOWQxMGNlZTYtZWQyZi0zYjhjLWIyYmQtZDE1MTZlZjRkYTJjBHBvcwMxMARzZWMDbWVnYXRyb24EdmVyA2Q0NjA3NjIxLWFlZDctMTFlMy1hZmNmLTU2NmVmNTBlYTNmNQ--;_ylg=X3oDMTFlamZvM2ZlBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdAMEcHQDc2VjdGlvbnM-;_ylv=3?.tsrc=attmp#
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:43:02 +0000

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