NEWHOPE NETWORK CENTRAL WORKING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD YESTERDAY, 30TH JAN. 2014 @ OUR NEWLY PROCURED ENLARGED FREE COMPUTER TRAINING CENTRE, OYO STREET MOWO OLORUNDA BADAGRY LAGOS STATE. ISSUES RESOLVED WERE: 1. 7man Committee set up to plan Graduation Ceremony for our newly trained youths in our FREE COMPUTER TRAINING SCHEME 2. Date for the GRADUATION CEREMONY for our FREE TRAINED YOUTHS AND STUDENT in our FREE COMPUTER TRAINING SCHOOL 3. RESOLUTION to source for funds to equip our newly procured enlarged FREE COMPUTER CENTRE 4. 5man contact committee set up to seek JOB opportunities for UNEMPLOYED YOUTH in our EMPLOYMENT FOR UNEMPLOYED SCHEME 5. It was RESOLVED to let be some of our members who were forced, threatened and intimidated to form splinter group our Non-governmental organisation. ... we leads ...others follow NOTE: We are using this medium to tell Hon. Abudu Amida to call his hired splinter group of our organisation to order to stop the facebook/media attack on any member of our NGO. That despite injustice, intimidation, threats, harassment, brutality on our esteem members; we have resolved not to engage him or his forced and hired followers in any media war or conflict in accordance with advice offered by our Grand-patron. Theyre no match for us in any ramification if we decide to. They should not start a war they can neither sustain nor win
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 07:05:20 +0000

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