NEWS BULLETIN OUR COMMITMENT CAN SAVE OUR AIRLINE Dear PIA Family, OUR COMMITMENT CAN SAVE AIRLINE Greetings on behalf of the Way Forward Committee. The Secretary Aviation/Chairman PIAC has formed the “Way Forward Committee” to act as a catalyst and monitor/support the activities taking place in the best interest of the airline. As you all are very well aware that at present PIA is passing through the most turbulent phase in its entire history. The Asian Giant and trendsetter of the Aviation industry has hit the rock bottom. This is the lowest that our National Flag Carrier has touched, now its time to rise to the occasion and extend our whole hearted support to the National Flag Carrier. We were the airline that taught 32 different airlines how to fly, we were the ones that spread our wings and showed the world that we can fly high and lead the aviation industry; with a very long list of historic firsts its time to prove, it once again. So now it is time to prove ourselves, let us join hands and take off to achieve new heights of Excellence. For most of us PIA is the only source of earning bread and butter for our families, we feel that it’s high time to take serious steps towards rejuvenating the long ailing airline. The National Flag Carrier is not only supporting the existing employees and their families’ in terms of medical services and free passages but the retired employees and their families’ are also being benefited by the services that PIA has committed to offer. The policy of the previous managements and the political intervention has led us on the verge of destruction. The era of nepotism and dictatorship is now fading; let’s work to relive the past glory. The Government has decided, if the PIA team fails to find a way out of this mess, the only option left is privatization. Would we be happy seeing our airline going into the hands of others? No definitely NOT. This is the time to pledge to make PIA fly higher. Now in this difficult time our airline needs us. Without the dedication of all employees who are the backbone of the airline and their sincere commitment we cannot save PIA. Everyone one of us needs to stand up and repay for securing the interests of the National Airline and not let outsiders come and dictate us and make us work on their terms. The visionary leadership of the Secretary Aviation and incumbent Chairman Mr. Muhammad Ali Gardezi and your dedicated efforts has led us to increase our serviceable fleet from 18 to 26 aircrafts. The addition of more aircrafts in our fleet will further strengthen our base upon which the Management plans to expand the wings of the National Carrier by introducing new routes and increasing frequencies on the profitable routes. We should aim towards once again becoming the world class airline by revamping our image through ground breaking initiatives and steadfast commitment to offer service par excellence. We believe that we have a very experienced workforce, industry’s best pilots, seasoned engineers/technical and office staff, and very professional cabin crew. We welcome you all to step up and volunteer for reviving your very own National Flag Carrier. Team PIA comprises of 16,600 employees but unfortunately a handful of black sheep are the cancer for our growth. They have been involved in corruption, malpractices, undue favoritism. We need to identify such culprits who are responsible for current condition of PIA, which is our bread & butter and future of our children. The Way Forward Committee is inspired by former Chairman’s PIAC (Late) Air Marshal Nur Khan and Mr. Rafique Sehgal. We are not focusing on the petty issues like retrenchment of workforce, transfer/postings of crew/employees, down gradation of hotels, Crew layovers, patterns etc, as suggested by the concerned Departments. In fact we have stalled all such attempts to create unrest amongst the employees. The Way Forward Committee is restricting itself for the time being to the main issues which include various agreements, Fuel Savings, Procurement, Maintenance, Catering etc. The Way Forward Committee is a platform where you can highlight the problem areas/ black sheep’s and all the factors creating hurdles in the path towards success. The members of the PIA family can either share their concerns directly with the Committee or can e-mail, (mentioned below) the same if they don’t want their identity to be disclosed. Your conviction is all what is needed. We on behalf of all the employees of PIA thank the Chairman PIAC for giving a free hand to the “Way Forward Committee” to achieve its aims and objectives. So join hands with us, our commitment can save our airline. F/O SYED CHAKAR ALI SHAH GENERAL MANAGER FUEL CONTROL & BRAND MANAGEMENT SECRETARY Way Forward Committee piawayforward@gmail [email protected]
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:51:57 +0000

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