NEWS: MAURITIUS. OPINIONS BY DEEPA BHOOKHUN. Will he? I’m surprised they haven’t already arrested Reza Issack. They are arresting everyone who’s displeasing ministers after all; and Reza Issack has upset not one but many of those controlling figures. So what’s the sanction going to be, I wonder? It’s a measure of how out of touch with the population Cader Sayed Hossen, Shakeel Mohamed, Abdullah Hossen, Kalyanee Juggoo, Anil Bachoo, Deva Virahsawmy, Mireille Martin and what not are, that instead of thanking Issack, they seek to crucify him. Issack said in an interview published last Saturday in l’express that his acerbic comments on the performance of some ministers, were motivated by a need to help out his party and that he wanted his outburst to act as a wake-up call. He then spoke briefly about some of the ministers he thought should get a grip; it came as no surprise to anyone that he had Mireille Martin, Vasant Bunwaree and Yatin Varma in mind. Martin, Bachoo, Bunwaree, Varma and Mohamed (some would add Hervé Aimée to that list) are five ministers who have managed to make public opinion forget all the other scandals that have rocked this government since 2010. Those dead weights will be the end of Navin Ramgoolam’s government. Yet, it seems the Prime minister is not convinced that those five are guilty as charged by public opinion. But public opinion is not a court of law and the criminal standard doesn’t apply. No, what matters here is that we have a bunch of arrogant ministers who are so desperately clinging to their portfolio that they cannot abide criticism, that they lie openly and that they do not think they are accountable. To anyone. They blatantly lie to the cabinet, more interested in saving their battered ego than with the fates of the people under their ministerial responsibility. And they are so ensconced in their folly that they victimize and repress those who have the wherewithal to stand up against them. It’s basically Ramgoolam’s problem if he doesn’t want to deal with his manipulating ministers because he doesn’t want to upset his command of a parliamentary majority but it becomes our problem when it impacts on the country. For Ramgoolam should make no mistake about it; those people will take him down with them. That’s why Reza Issack’s warning is important. All is not lost and it’s not too late to change direction, to put the country before one’s government, before one’s parliamentary majority. What’s there to fear? That the opposition will recuperate them and will be able to command a new majority? I know they say that politics is the art of the impossible but the opposition will be mad to even attempt to do that. I also know politicians do as they please anyway because they think the electorate is just dumb but that’s a lesson they will need to relearn the hard way. We’re at crossroads; Navin Ramgoolam will need to make that defining choice. Will he dare?
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 15:06:47 +0000

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