NEWS ! NEWS READ ALL ABOUT IT! The Gospel ! The good news God made - TopicsExpress


NEWS ! NEWS READ ALL ABOUT IT! The Gospel ! The good news God made him ( JESUS CHRIST ) who knew no sin to be sin for us , that we might become the righteousness of God in him ( 2 Corinthians 5:21) and it is only through him that we could have that perfection that God demands ! He paid for our penalty for our sin by his sacrifice on the cross , no one had power over his death , he did it willingly for us so that we could be seen as righteous in Gods eyes , 2 thousands years ago was the important day of mankinds lives , God sent his son JESUS CHRIST the messiah a message of salvation and forgiveness and love and out pouring of Gifts from on high gift of faith , gift of repentance , gifts of the Holy Spirit and none of us deserved any of it, Gods love for mankind , if we could understand how holy God is , then we would understand how unholy we are , given us a reason of why we need a saviour , a saviour to die for the sins of the world , JESUS CHRIST the son of the living GOD , who was manifested in the flesh , who came in our likeness in human form , became a bondservant ( phil2:5-7) and who lived a perfect and holy life on earth without sin so that through him we could be reconciled to God, and be given the right to become children of God ( john1-12 ) in this the love of God was revealed to us , that God sent his only son into the world , so that we might live because of his merits ( 1, john 4;9) JESUS CHRIST willingly went to the cross, and died a bloody death , he did it so that we mat live eternally , those who repent and believe on him , JESUS CHRIST is the truth the way and the life no one cometh to the father except through me ( john 14;6) after his death burial and resurrection from the grave he was seen by hundreds of eye witnesses , his apostles went off preaching the good news about JESUS CHRIST to the whole world making disciples of many spreading the word from nation to nation , all must repent and believe in The Lord JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins , weather you refuse to believe or not , it makes no difference cause every knee will bow to God on judgement day , you will be judged , God is love , when you repent you will be given a new heart a heart of flesh , you must be born again or you will not inherit Gods kingdom , your old man needs to die that old sinful flesh and must be born again of the spirit to live in the spirit to continue the rest of your life pleasing God and worshipping God and giving him the honour he deserves , its a work of God through regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit ( Titus 3:5) today JESUS is seen spiritually by millions throughout the generations his good works done through his saints are seen all over the world , God shows his character through his saints by the Holy Spirit that dwells in them and God is glorified by them all the whole earth is full of his Glory , JESUS had 12 disciples and now their is millions worldwide as he said go and make disciples out of all nations ... baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit I am what I am today because of JESUS CHRIST and what he has done for me on the cross , he gave me a new heart that wants to please him , he turned my mind from sin and gave me a mind that hates sin I couldent do these things without him its all his doing , the Glory goes to God we all are sinners and needed God our saviour , but we dident know that we needed him until he called us and showed us just how sinful we are , JESUS is LORD and their is no salvation in any other ! We all must look to him , preach what he did for us , not preach what we can do for ourselves to get saved , yes we walk in his law after being saved but the first thing is to preach JESUS and what he did for us the rest comes after
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:26:58 +0000

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