NEWS & NOTICES FOR THIS WEEK ... PARISH PRIEST RETURNS - Fr. Marcelle returns to the Parish on Monday, 22 July 2013 and in office as of, Wednesday, 24 July 2013. Your prayers are requested for his safe return from Nashotah House Theological Seminary. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 2013: Holy Trinity Parish Church will hosts Vacation Bible School under the theme, "Kingdom Rock" on Monday, 29 July thru Friday, 9 August 2013 from 9 AM - 12 NOON for children and adolescents from ages 6 - 15 years. WE NEED YOUR HELP! We are looking for (1) Assistant Coordinator / (2) Station Leaders / (2) Kitchen Staff and (4) Helpers. There will be a mandatory meeting on Thursday, 25 July 2013 at 5PM in the Parish Hall, Georgetown, St. Vincent. WEEKDAY MASS— There will be NO Weekday Mass during the month of July and August 2013. EVENSONG—There will be NO Evensong, Address and Benediction during the month of July and August. DIOCESAN YOUTH CONFERENCE— The Archdeaconary of St. Vincent and the Grenadines will host the 2013 Diocesan Youth Conference at the Georgetown Secondary School under the theme, “Equipping the Saints for Mission and Ministry: Sacramental Spirituality” from July 25—August 7, 2013. USHERS MEETING: All ushers and interested persons are asked to attend a manadatory meeting on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 at 5 PM in the Parish Hall, Georgetown. Please make a special effort to attend. NON—STIPENDARY DEACON TRAINING—is scheduled for 28th July—9th August 2013 at the Anglican Pastoral Center, Montrose, Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. PARISH CHURCH COUNCIL—is adjourned from Monday, July 1st—Saturday, August 31st 2013 and will convene on, Monday, September 2nd 2013 at 5:30 PM. A special thank you to all council members for your hard work and continued support during the past five (5) months. BACK TO SCHOOL SUNDAY— On Sunday, September 1st 2013 at 8 AM in a joint Parish Mass we will celebrate “Back to School Sunday”. All current students and members are asked to wear your school or alma mater uniform. This Sunday each school will sit together and asked at an appointed time to sing their school song. Our guest speaker will be announced shortly. INSTITUTION AND INDUCTION—The Institution and Induction of the Rev’d Everton Weekes, as Rector of the Parish of St. Mary’s, Bequia, the Grenadines, is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Tuesday 3rd September 2013 being the feast of Gregory, the Great, Bishop of Rome at St. Mary’s Parish Church, Port Elizabeth, Bequia. Your prayers and presence are requested. ORDINATION— By the Grace of God, the Rev’d Mrs. Eleanor C. Glasgow will be ordained to the Sacred Order of Priest along with Mrs. Myrtle Gordon and Ms. Yvette Calliste to the Holy Order of Deacons 5 PM on Monday, September 9th 2013 being the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the St. Patrick’s Church, Sauteurs, St. Patrick, Grenada. HAPPY BIRTHDAY: to all our members celebrating the anniversary of their birth during the month of July. May God grant you many more years of long life and good health. INDEPENDENCE GUEST SPEAKER: Any suggestions with who you would like to be our Guest Speaker this year at our Independence Celebrations? Please post your nominees below.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 16:20:31 +0000

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