NEWS OF THE DAY-8/14/2014 Excerpts from an article by Michael - TopicsExpress


NEWS OF THE DAY-8/14/2014 Excerpts from an article by Michael Collins in OpEd News The United States and European Union created a horror show for millions by enabling acts in support of the extremist government of Ukraine. The horror comes in the form of Ukraine government attacks on towns and cities in the southeastern regions, attacks initiated by the central government in Kiev. After months of these war crimes, the Kiev government now threatens to stall a massive shipment of urgent humanitarian aid for devastated metropolitan areas of nearly two million people including the large cities of Donetsk (1.0 million) and Lugansk(.5 million). Russia worked with ICRC (International Commitee of the Red Cross)and put together a 280-truck relief convoy. On August 12, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced what seemed to be agreement on safe passage for the aid convey from the Russian boarder to those in need. This seemed to settle the Kievs fear that somehow Russia would use the trucks as Trojan Horses for a military mission. France’s President Francois Hollande, the EUs humanitarian aid commissioner, and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry each endorsed the delay of food and medical supplies. Why Delay Urgently Needed Humanitarian Aid? A blog close to the Ukrainian separatist resistance provided context for the delay: According to the messages from the locals, a general offensive of the junta military on Donetsk will start with a very high probability in the nearest three days. If Kiev, with U.S. support, plans to attack Donetsk, a city of 1.0 million, in three days, they certainly dont want a bunch of Red Cross and Russian emergency aid personnel handing out food, supplies and medicine at the same time. Whats the answer to this problem? Delay the convoy and accuse the Russians of doing exactly what Ukraine plans to do - stage and carry out a military attack. ============================================ Excerpts from article by Eric Zuesse in OpEd News This U.S. coup in Ukraine culminated George W. Bushs policy of taking Ukraine out of its orbit of being a planet in the Russian solar system (Russia being the large nation bordering Ukraine, and definitely Ukraines sun), and of transforming Ukraine into a U.S. military base instead, right next door to Russia -- much like Khruschev did to Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. In order to make this wrenching change of Ukraine, from a Russia-ally, to a U.S.-ally, stick, Obama needed to get rid of the residents in southeastern Ukraine, the people who had voted Yanukovych into office. If those people were to have stayed, then another pro-Russian would be able to become elected President of Ukraine, and so Obamas coup there could easily and soon become undone by an election. Furthermore, those people there live on a huge shale-gas field and they resist fracking (they dont want their water to become poisoned). Western oil companies want access there to frack for its gas. Moreover Joe Bidens son, Hunter Biden, was recently placed onto the board of directors of the largest privately owned shale-gas operation in Ukraine, Burisma Holdings (owned by the mastermind of the May 2nd Odessa massacre against the Obama coups local opponents in Odessa). Its owner, Ihor Kolomoysky, was appointed to be his regions Governor, by the person (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) who was appointed by the person (Victoria Nuland) who was appointed by the persons (Hillary Clinton and John Kerry) who were appointed by President Barack Obama, who is in the pocket of Big Oil just as he is of Wall Street. Obama is that, though he talks a line of criticism against them both, in order to make suckers of liberal fools and pass as a Democrat (without whose electoral support hed never have been able to win Democratic primaries and thus any national political office at all as a black man, because the Republican Party certainly wouldnt have put forth a Black for President in 2008), and though Big Oil and Wall Street usually donate far more to the self-acknowledged Republicans than they do to the closeted ones such as Obama and the other utterly corrupt Democrats, who can get enough of our oligarchs money so as for oligarchs to control the top, Presidential, level, of the Democratic Party -- which, in the era of big-money politics, our oligarchs unfortunately do control, and not only control the entirety of the Republican Party.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 14:30:26 +0000

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