NEWS RELEASE Public Information Division Please refer with MS. - TopicsExpress


NEWS RELEASE Public Information Division Please refer with MS. BETH PILORIN, Chief-PID 304-3280 23 August 2013 DPWH METES FINES TO ERRING CONTRACTORS VIOLATING DOLE ORDER Civil works contractors of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) were given written warning and asked to pay corresponding fines for not complying with Department Order No. 13 of the Department of Labor and Employment policies, entitled “Guidelines Governing Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry.” DPWH Secretary Rogelio L. Singson has directed the imposition of fines and stern warning to erring contractors after being found not observing good housekeeping in their construction sites posing inconvenience to the public. Said contractors were apprehended for lack of warning signs and barricades in some of their projects in Metro Manila. Non-compliance with the construction requirements shall have the corresponding sanctions and that repetitive violations shall be ground for recommendation for blacklisting, said Secretary Singson. Secretary Singson has also warned the DPWH project engineers supervising the said projects for their lapses in the imposition of the DOLE order. “The implementation of policies and laws governing occupational safety and health in the construction industry is the primary responsibility of the implementing office, in this case, the DPWH,” said Secretary Singson. “DPWH project engineers are equally accountable for not strictly enforcing the guidelines set by DOLE Order,” added Secretary Singson. DOLE DO #13 was formed and implemented in the interest of ensuring the protection and welfare of workers employed in the construction industry, the protection and welfare of the general public within and around the immediate vicinity of any construction worksite. The guidelines apply to all operations and undertakings in the construction industry and its subdivisions – including specialty trade construction (companies and entities involved in demolition works; and to those falling within the construction industry.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 08:44:46 +0000

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