NEWS UPDATE AT 7O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE President Yoweri Museveni - TopicsExpress


NEWS UPDATE AT 7O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE President Yoweri Museveni has given an accountability of what government has done this financial year 2013/14 during the state of nation address at Serena yesterday. In a light hearted moment, he told the MPs to do their work in their constituents even if they feel government is not doing it’s. The main focus laid on the country’s major sectors which are agriculture, industry and manufacturing, services and ICT. The president calls upon farmers to embrace commercial farming as crops and livestock products have internal, regional and international demand as long as the quality is good to brave the competition. Ugandan scientists have been sent overseas for further study on nuclear physics, in the midst of the country considering the use of Uranium for nuclear energy as revealed by President Museveni in yesterday’s State of Nation Address. These scientists will create a nuclear energy unit in the ministry of energy. The country is rich in the metallic element which is to be explored on Museveni’s orders. Hydro power is not enough hence the need to venture into other alternatives. However, Museveni refuses to succumb to the pressure of exporting uranium in its unprocessed form. The Democratic Party in a bid to build up is encouraging its ex-members to return to the party. The president of the party, Norbert Mao and other officials are preaching reconciliation and forgiveness following many of its members defecting to other parties or remaining passive after they disagreed on how its president leadership was elected. Leaders of the G7 industrial nations have urged Russia to begin talks with the new leadership in Kiev to end the crisis in eastern Ukraine.US President Barack Obama and UK PM David Cameron say Moscow must recognize Petro Poroshenko, who takes office as president on Saturday. The G7 leaders meeting in Brussels said they were fully behind Mr Poroshenko. Iraqi security forces have repelled a large-scale attack by militants on the central city of Samarra, officials say.Gunmen travelling in dozens of vehicles attacked checkpoints on the east and west on Thursday morning before taking control of several areas.The army responded with helicopter strikes in which officials said about 80 insurgents died. A curfew has been imposed on the city and reinforcements sent from the capital Baghdad.No group immediately claimed responsibility for the attack, but Sunni militants and tribesmen allied to the jihadist Islamist State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS) have seized parts of the city of Ramadi and most of Falluja. RADIOCITY NEWS: BRINGING THE WORLD TO YOU.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:09:03 +0000

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