NEWS UPDATE: UNEB TO INCREASE REGISTRATION FEES: The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) general secretary, Mathew Bukenya says the board plans to increase the examination registration fees for Primary Seven, Senior Four and Senior Six candidates by 5%. Mr. Bukenya says the increase is help better the setting and marking process of the examinations which last year left the board in a financial crisis to the extent of delaying the release of the examinations. LOKODO IN TROUBLE: Ethics and Integrity Minister Fr. Simon Lokodo is in trouble following Commercial Court summons for his alleged failure to service a loan of over Shs468 million. S.AFRICAN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS DATE ANNOUNCED: The election date of the South African presidential elections has been announced by South African President Jacob Zuma. While Election Day in South Africa will be May 7, 2014, nationals living abroad may cast their vote on April 30th, and on this day only. CUBA’s “HERO” BACK HOME: Accused of being a spy in the United States, Fernando Gonzalez can expect a heros welcome when he returns to Cuba. A Cuban intelligence agent, Gonzalez is due to be released from a U.S. federal prison Thursday after serving 15 years in prison for failing to register as a foreign agent and possessing forged documents. UKRAINE TO NAME NEW CABINET: Ukraines new interim government has been presented at Kievs main protest camp, the Maidan, following last weeks ousting of President Viktor Yanukovych. Meanwhile, Mr Yanukovych has been put on the international wanted list. The fugitive president whose whereabouts are unclear is accused of being behind last weeks deaths of more than 100 protesters at the hands of riot police in and around the Maidan. MAN OFFERS PRIZE MONEY FOR “OLD” VIRGINS: A South African man is offering women aged up to 35 years, a reward of $9,300 and medals if they are still virgins. Rabelani Ramali, a community worker, argues that this is in a bid to combat HIV and teenage pregnancy. Successful virgins will be given prize money of up to 100,000 rand and gold, silver and bronze medals, according to their age. Ramali who calls himself the founder of South African Virgin Girls Awards, has enlisted a local doctor to verify the contestants virginity status. VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE: Members of Parliament (MPs) on the presidential affairs committee have cast a vote of no confidence in their chairperson Fred Mwesigye. Mwesigye, the Nyabushozi county MP replaced Barnabas Tinkasimire, the former Buyaga County MP as committee chairman last year after the latter was expelled from NRM for alleged indiscipline. Now the committee members accuse Mwesigye of incompetence adding that the committee was better off with Tinkasimire who they describe as active and one that ensured good flow of work.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 07:28:38 +0000

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