NEWS UPDATES AT 7 O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE. The opposition is doing - TopicsExpress


NEWS UPDATES AT 7 O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE. The opposition is doing all it can to stay united ahead of the 2016 general elections. Former vice president Gilbert Bukenya has said that he will be part of the opposition’s plan to oust President Museveni from power come 2016.Bukenya affirms speculations that he will run for Presidency without any fear and that he is ready to face any challenges. The politician was addressing over 50 people at his home in Kakiri, who were demanding assurance of his candidature. The Busiro North MP also warned of an impending governance crisis due to political patronage. President Museveni has reshuffled the army once again. Maj Gen Levi Karuhanga is now the new chairperson of the General Court Martial taking over from Brig Moses Ddiba Ssentongo whose term expired earlier this month. Brig Sentongo who is also the chairperson of Wazalendo, a saving scheme for soldiers, replaced Brig Fred Tolit who has been deployed in Ethiopia. President Museveni has also appointed Lt Col Gideon Katinda from the Chief of Military Intelligence to the position of Judge Advocate, replacing Maj Raphael Mugisha, who has been recalled back to the chieftaincy of legal services pending re-deployment. The restructuring is part of the routine to insure delivery of military justice. The collaboration for health promotion and social development urges Ugandans to engage and learn about health issues in the country in order to increase productivity of health workers. The vice chairperson for the body Dr. Ojoo Zezubabel said that the public needs to understand health information and monitor service delivery. He added that people should know that they are entitled to a health centre III as opposed to health centre II. He was speaking during the launch of health literacy manual in Kampala last week. A Sudanese woman sentenced to death for abandoning her Islamic faith has been freed from jail. Meriam Ibrahims death penalty was overturned by an appeal court. She is married to a Christian man and was sentenced under Sharia law to hang for apostasy in May after refusing to renounce Christianity. Her husband, Daniel Wani, said he was looking forward to seeing her. Wani, who is a US citizen, wants his family to leave Sudan as soon possible. Sunni rebels in Iraq say they have fully captured the countrys main oil refinery at Baiji, north of Baghdad. The refinery had been under siege for 10 days with the militant offensive being repulsed several times. The complex supplies a third of Iraqs refined fuel and the battle has already led to petrol rationing. Insurgents, led by the group Isis, have overrun a swathe of territory north and west of Baghdad including Iraqs second-biggest city, Mosul. They are bearing down on a vital dam near Haditha and have captured all border crossings to Syria and Jordan. A rebel spokesman said the Baiji refinery, in Salahuddin province, would now be handed over to local tribes to administer. He further said that the advance towards Baghdad would continue. RADIOCITY NEWS: BRINGING THE WORLD CLOSER TO YOU!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 04:10:12 +0000

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