NEWS UPDATES AT 8 O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE! FDC is calling on - TopicsExpress


NEWS UPDATES AT 8 O’CLOCK WITH ORANGE! FDC is calling on government to reduce the pay as you earn tax from 30% to 5% such that low-income earners can live a good quality life. FDC spokesperson John Kikonyogo while addressing the party’s weekly press briefing said that the tax is the highest in the world yet civil servants in the country are paid peanuts. He said this affects people’s purchasing power and will in turn affect the country. Amuru district local leaders have asked government to take action against health workers who absent themselves from work. According to chairman Local council three of Lomogi sub-county, Ojara Atkirison says currently health workers, end work by midday and at the weekends, they do not appear at all and in the process patients end up suffering. Amuru district is one of the hard to reach areas, which government needs to take more attention to improve the well-being of the people, especially by increasing the enumeration of civil servants working there. Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi has urged the Buganda Officials on the Lukiiko to make certain that plans or issues discussed are implemented. He was opening the 22nd Buganda Lukiiko yesterday at Bulange Mengo. He said it is not good practice to give good ideas that can help build Buganda and Uganda as a whole and simply leave them on paper. The Kabaka also thanked everyone who has supported the Katiikiro Charles Peter Mayiga, on his work plan and encouraged them to continue working with him to see these plans into fruition. He also called for unity among the Baganda. The Gaza ceasefire has been extended for a further 24 hours after talks in Cairo, Palestinian and Israeli officials have said. The previous ceasefire came into effect last Wednesday, but was due to expire at midnight (21:00 GMT) on Monday. Earlier, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israeli forces would hit back hard if Hamas resumed rocket fire. He said the military was ready for all scenarios and were prepared for very resolute action if fire resumes. The 24-hour extension was confirmed by the Egyptian government, which said Palestinian and Israeli delegations had agreed to continue negotiations for a permanent deal. Officials say that 2,016 Palestinians and 66 Israelis have died since Israel began its offensive on Gaza on 8 July. RADIOCITY NEWS: BRINGING THE WORLD CLOSER TO YOU!
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 05:10:15 +0000

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