NEWSFLASH: President and Liberals Use Scripture Like The Devil In - TopicsExpress


NEWSFLASH: President and Liberals Use Scripture Like The Devil In Defense Of Their Position On Illegal Immigration We all know that Liberals love to take scripture out of context and only use it when they think that it serves their purpose. The rest of the time they are busy trying to discredit the Bible. When they do use scripture, they often misquote it, take it out of context, and ignore the Bibles full teaching on a subject. Satan, did this when he tempted Jesus. While he did not misquote scripture, he did take it out of context and he ignored the rest of the teachings of scripture. The liberals love to quote the Bible when it says how we are to treat the foreigners living among us and then read into that we are to treat them as full blown citizens whether they are here legally or illegally. I have always known that this was not what the Bible actually supports because I knew that the Bible places demands upon the foreigners. So I recently started to go back and refresh my memory of all those requirements. I am still working on it and mulling over a proper Biblical understanding of all the passages and how they can be applicable to a modern state; but, here are the preliminary findings that I want to pass along. First, there were four types of foreigners: 1) those seeking to become Jews; 2) those who were just living there; 3) those who were planning on living there for a temporary period; 4) those who were just passing through. Some of the laws applied to all four groups but some to just a specific group. To really know the difference, you have to look at the Hebrew words used and the specific context. Second, they were required to observe the requirements of the Mosaic Law. All foreigners inside Jewish territory had to observe the Sabbath and all Sabbath holidays or be exiled a.k.a. deported. They also could not get too close to the tabernacle, certain areas of the temple, or to any of the Holy objects or they were to be executed. In order to participate in the Passover celebration, the males had to be circumcised. They could never serve as king. Just to name a few of the requirements. Third, foreigners who wanted to become full Jews with all the rights and privileges of a Jew which involved full inclusion into tabernacle/temple worship had to wait three to ten generations. Each generation having to be a faithful adherence to Mosaic law. There were special laws that applied to all foreigners but not to full Jews. For example, foreigners could be charged usury, they could permanently sell themselves or their children as slaves, they were permitted to glean the fields, vineyards, and orchards (pick up the stuff that was left behind). The Jewish side of the equation can simply be put this way, they were to treat foreigners no differently than fellow Jews. In legal cases, there could be no preference treatment toward Jews or foreigners. There could not be a separate law for the foreigner than for the Jew. That does not excluding laws that govern residency requirements. Summary: Foreigners had to obey the Mosaic covenant and civic laws passed by the government. Failure to do so resulted in either being exiled/deported or executed depending on the violation. Did you catch that? They had to obey the religious and civil laws to be allowed to stay in Jewish lands. They did not immediately gain full Jewish status in their lifetime but their descendants had to become completely Jewish with a tradition of being Jewish to become full Jews. I have contended that whatever we decide to do about illegals that under no circumstance should they ever be given the right to vote as one of the consequences for coming here illegally, even if they were brought here as a child. Turns out, that is in keeping with the Old Testament practices. Conclusion: There is absolutely nothing immoral or unjust in having laws governing immigration and those foreigners living among us. There is nothing umbilical in deporting those individuals and families who do obey those laws and all other laws. Foreigners who are willing and obedient to the laws established are to be treated fairly and no different than full citizens in both daily life and before the legal system. I hope to soon be able to write a more complete and detailed report of my findings.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:05:30 +0000

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