NEWSLETTER Hope you are all well and enjoying the summer break - TopicsExpress


NEWSLETTER Hope you are all well and enjoying the summer break here at Beattock Country Park. Following feedback from a number of our holiday home owners we thought it would appropriate to communicate the changes seen over the past 10 days and advise you of the plans we have for the park over the coming weeks and months. We are committed to improving the park and your patience and cooperation are really appreciated. There has been a lack of progress here in the past 3 years or so and with the change in ownership we intend firstly catching up and then really improving facilities on site. The changes are numerous but are summarised broadly below:- • Upgrading the electrical supply from 100 kva to 500 kva working alongside energy suppliers Scottish power • Replacement signage throughout the park reflecting our new name, our logo and overall enhancement of the branding of the park. Our logo will feature throughout the park. • New website and email addresses • Refurbishing park reception building initially outside then within – increased spend on entertainment • Refurbishing the pine bar, first outside then without • Refurbishing games room both inside and out • Installing new children’s trampoline • Creation of a dedicated sales office, repainted, visually appealing with soft furnishings and new office • New machinery for improved grounds maintenance • New screened refuse areas • Toilet block refurbishment • Availability of new and pre-owned holiday homes • Roads maintenance • Fencing and boundary improvements • Tree maintenance • Fishing lake restocking and improvements Overall we want the standards of the park raised to a far higher level than seen before. We have a well motivated team who love this park who need the tools necessary to create a park we can be really proud of. Our list is not exhaustive and priorities will alter from time to time but the spirit here is for change and improvements to enhance the experience for anyone coming onto the park. Again we ask for your patience and cooperation in achieving this transformation – we can do this together. At present our management team is as follows:- Park Director – Paul Chadney Park Manager – Sue Kendrick Bar and Restaurant Manager – Theresa Gooding Grounds Manager – Andy Gooding We are here to provide you with the highest standard of service. Please be assured of our commitment to managing the changes and improvements on the park over the coming months. Enjoy your stay and look forward to working with you all. Onward and forward at Beattock Country Park!! PAUL CHADNEY PARK DIRECTOR
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 13:35:27 +0000

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