NEWSMAX: Cubas Nightmare and Obamas Deal - By Christopher - TopicsExpress


NEWSMAX: Cubas Nightmare and Obamas Deal - By Christopher Ruddy As we review this deal, lets admit that the administrations agreement with the Castro regime was a bad deal. It was predicated on them holding American Alan Gross as a hostage and using him in a quid pro quo to get the release of real Cuban spies, including Ana Montes, who had penetrated to the highest levels of U.S. government at the Defense Intelligence Agency and was jailed for committing espionage for the Cuban government. So Obamas first steps toward normalizing relations with Cuba by allowing some increase in tourism by Americans and opening up diplomatic relations will go forward. But the U.S. should make no more gestures of goodwill unless and until Castro and his regime prove that they are really interested in reforms and seriously interested in improving human rights in Cuba. To suggest this deal was somehow a goodwill gesture by the Cuban communists is a lie. Had they freed Alan Gross with no preconditions that we free prisoners, then yes, I would have said that was a goodwill gesture and perhaps the start of something significant. Perhaps we can start with the fact the Castro regime is one of the worst human rights offenders in the world and ranks with North Korea in draconian repression. For more than five decades, Castro has enslaved Cubas population and left its people in squalor. It is so bad that each year, thousands of Cubans have risked their lives in treacherous shark-infested waters, using rubber dinghies and make shift boats out of things like tires sewn together to flee this repression and come to the United States. Somehow the world, and even many earnest liberals, have turned a blind eye to this. Why I dont know, but it strikes me as hypocritical and wrong. For one, you can never conduct a proper business transaction in Cuba because there is no legal enforcement. I remember in the 1990s when Castro put up for sale oceanfront property and condominiums that were quickly snapped up by Europeans. He promised them ownership but within a few years reneged on the promise and took back the property. Not a very good way to begin a trading partnership! CLICK LINK FOR ENTIRE ARTICLE! newsmax/Newsfront/ruddy-obama-cuba/2015/01/10/id/617766/
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 20:10:25 +0000

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