NEXT DAY I WENT TO CABOOLTURE FOR THE WEEKEND. Friday morning, John gave everybody a cup of coffee and I said, I need to get my pension from the bank and pay my rent, plus do shopping before anything. I have a free pass on the railways to go there and back. I’ll pack a bag of clothes and things to bring with me. It was agreed on. I walked home and Jack Tanaris started murmuring against me care taking. When Shirley came out with her car, she wanted to know about Jack’s problem. Les told her that Jack was inciting all the trouble against me with Jim because he recons that he’s the care taker. Jack just came from talking to Jim against me. Shirley put him straight, you are not the care taker, never was and never will be. What did Miron do wrong to you for you to go making trouble for him? He went and got married. So what? Said Shirley, he did the right thing, it’s not a crime, look what he did for the house since he came back. I wanted it to stay the way it was before. It can’t stay the way it was before, dirty, if the health inspector comes and sees it dirty there would be trouble so mind your business and stop telling lies about him to Jim unless you want to be kicked out. He shut his mouth for the time being. We got my money, I did my shopping and paid the rent. I told Shirley of my plan to go away for few days and she agreed with me, she drove me to the Transit Centre. I waited for the Rockhampton train after being given the free ticket and boarded the blue train when it came. It was starting to get dark when I got off the train. I phoned Lena and the whole lot of the women came with John to meet me. I gave Lena all the money I had, there may have been fifteen dollars altogether because I already sent Alyn money for the kids. They bought a supply of fish and chips and John carried my bag to Lena’s house. I brought coffee and powdered milk with me. I intended to spend two days there to settle down a bit. Lena gave me a single mattress to sleep on the lounge room floor, she didn’t have sheets or blankets. I pulled out an old family size blanket I brought with me that I left at the White House when I went to the Philippines the first time and I used it to cover myself up with. John spent the night alone in a room, not with any of the women.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 04:27:19 +0000

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