NEXT FOUR WEEK UNLOCKING CREATIVITY ONLINE COURSE STARTS NOVEMBER 19 AND LIVE COURSE COMMENCES NOVEMBER 20 Whether you are a complete beginner, a professional writer or somewhere in-between, this is the first step towards achieving your writing goals, whatever they may be. You will learn practical tools and techniques to dramatically improve your writing and kick start your writing process. As well as being given a grounding in the workings of classic story structure. As John Tullius, author and founder of the Maui Writers Conference, said, I dont care how talented you are. Its not about contacting your muse. Success comes from taking the time to learn the craft. Yasmin Boland - author, Carole King is an Alien and All the Rage - said after completing the course. Reading back over my first novel, Im aware of a change at the point where I started doing the Writers Studio course (Unlocking Creativity). Its where my descriptions went from run of the mill to, I think, much more visual. No one can give you a secret formula for how to write, but the Writers Studio seems able to unleash the wild writer beast in us all! Most writers are excited by how much they learn over the four weeks. It is an understatement to say I learnt more about writing from the workshops than I did in three years studying at university. Ali Gripper - former Sydney Morning Herald journalist. Since beginning the courses, sub-editors started complimenting her work, shes been short-listed for a Walkley award and also scored a higher paying job. For all course information please visit:
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 02:00:09 +0000

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