NEXT STEP OF YOUNG BANKER AFTER 17 TH SEPT.2014.-written by JSOMA - TopicsExpress


NEXT STEP OF YOUNG BANKER AFTER 17 TH SEPT.2014.-written by JSOMA SHEKARA If the demand of young bankers not accepted and raised by UFBU, these youngsters are planning to raise the matter before Chief Labour Commissioner (Central), Government of India, Ministry of Labour handing over him resolution passed by them and demanding his intervention treating the dispute as dispute between workmen and workmen as defined under Section 2(k) of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947. It was reported that consequent to success of JANDHAN Scheme Hon.P.M. Modi had instructed Finance Secretary Sri.G.S.Sandhu to ensure sincere wage settlement for Bankers. Accordingly Sri.G.S.Sandhu had a meeting with Chairman IBA on 08.09.2014. Though nothing much has been disclosed about what transpired in meeting IBA has been advised to be flexible and IBA may agree for 18.5% to 20% hike. However this is not without conditions and it is being speculated that in return government wants unions consent for Merger and consolidation of Banks. However amidst all this there is a hope that an honorable wage settlement would be a reality subject to cordial discussions on 17th. However suddenly emergence of new out fit YOUNG GENERATION BANKERS which is holding demonstrations at Jantar Mantar on 13th Sep 2014 demanding wage increase at par with central govt employees and other demands has changed the situation. This outfit is in favour of merger and consolidation of Banks. It seems AIBOC also participating in demonstration. Apart from the ideological differences with present negotiating unions this new outfit is demanding end of BPS and inclusion of Bank employees in Pay Commission. When a solution to wage revision seems to be nearing this sudden development has surprised many. Will this development have adverse impact if any on talks scheduled on 17th? written by JSOMA SHEKARA
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 17:33:23 +0000

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