NEXT SUNDAY IN THE DAILY NATION: PREACH THE GOSPEL,RATHER THAN SELLING JESUS I greet every nations(tribes) reading this article at this very moment. I pray that you shall not remain the same after reading this article in the name of Jesus Christ. My prayer is that God speaks to you in a radical way and always remember that one day you will stand before the judgment seat and you will be asked if you shared the gospel with others. Our goal is to disciple every people (nations) into Christ likeness . If you are in sales or have ever been around a good salesperson then know just what I mean by what have said , that people should share the gospel without whatsoever mixing it with the any ingredients. Salesmen emphasize all the positive things they think you will be happy to hear. And they quickly skip over what might be less appealing. Many times Church can be reluctant to shine a bright light on commitment in fear that it might hurt sales numbers. Jesus doesn’t hold back with Nicodemus. Following Jesus would require a commitment that would cost Nicodemus a great deal. Following Jesus means that one has to deny himself or herself, here a total surrender is required , those who are not truly following Jesus with their hearts will try and accept Jesus, but they don’t want to say no to themselves. In Luke 9:23 Jesus makes it clear that if we are going to follow Him, a casual no-strings-attached arrangement isn’t a possibility: if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself… you can’t “come after” Jesus without denying yourself. The phrase “deny himself” isn’t just the idea of saying no to yourself- or even resisting yourself. The idea here is that you do not even acknowledge or recognize your own existence. A child of God should always point souls to Jesus Christ in a clear way and you should explain to your beloveds who know nothing about Jesus ,what it means to be a Christian. So in case someone left out or forgot to mention it when they explained what it meant to be a Christian, Let me be clear: there is no forgiveness without repentance. There is no salvation without surrender. There is no life without death. There is no believing without committing. Believers should be aware of doctrine that sells Jesus, here is an example of what am talking about: would you like to make more money? How would you like to only fly first class? How do you respond to that? How can you say no? it costs you nothing and offers everything. This is for every child of God who is behaving like a salesman out there for the gospel. Tell people the true presentation of the word of God . Jesus Demands that His followers should pay a price of obedience ,carrying the cross daily and forsaking all. Jesus invites you to “take up your cross...” That is often where we leave his invitation. But the next word that makes all the difference. The word is “daily”...”take up your cross daily..” every day we make a decision that we will die to ourselves and live for Christ. Dying to ourselves is not a one time decision. Its a daily decision. That is the most challenging part in our lives. But we have to daily die from things of the flesh so Christ may dwell in us. The cross was a symbol of suffering . Before crucifying a criminal, it was common for the Romans to beat them the way they did Jesus. For this scourging, the man was stripped of his clothing, and his hands were tied most often to an upright post. The idea was that a person would have their hands tied around a post so that the flesh on their body would be stretched out tightly in preparation for the scourging. The number of lashes wasnt what the Romans paid attention to; they were experts in beating a person just to the edge of death. After being beaten beyond recognition, the Roman soldiers put the patibulum of the cross, which is the horizontal beam, on the mans back. This 125 pound beam was placed on his open wounds. Its no wonder Jesus had a difficult time carrying the cross as he stumbled down the narrow roads of the Via Dolarosa ( or the way of suffering). Taking up your cross and following Jesus can and will bring pain and suffering. You cannot carry a cross without suffering. But God has good in the end of your trials never give up on JESUS. SEE THE WHOLE ARTICLE ON SUNDAY!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:28:42 +0000

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