NGA NESER NË TË GJITHA PIKAT E SHITJES Aromatherapy Soap 01- Hemani Spirit & Soul Immunity Aromatherapy Soap ****************************************************************** This soap has been specially prepared for the revitalizing of lost energy and spirit. The users are supposed to take regular baths from this soap and it help them to regain the lost hope and sprit, necessary for progressing and moving forward in life. This soap is really good for general purpose use as well and it can be used just as general purpose soap also. The continuous use of this soap keeps the body away from laziness and it keeps the energy level very high of the body. It keeps the mind and body running if used daily while taking a bath. Sprit & Soul Immunity: Sprit & Soul immunity for any person is very necessary because sprit is the factor, which propels a person to move forward in life, quite vigorously and progressively. Every day of any person starts with a new hope and zest and it is very necessary for any person that the hope and spirit in him/her remain alive for moving ahead in life. Aromatherapy: This is a very special technique and in it people use some very essential and unique oils for the purpose of revitalizing and re-energizing their mind and body. The use of this oil is brought through several ways. Many people just inhale the aroma of these oils and many people massage it over their body for making the effects of this oil to work by get mixed in the bloodstream of any person. Constituents Of This Soap: The constituents of this soap are very natural and they don’t possess any ability of harming the delicate face and body skin of users. The constituents of this soap have been selected after quite necessary research and they keep proven effect of improving the immunity of sprit and soul of any person. Some Important Benefits Of This Soap: The regular use of this soap revitalize the mind and body of any person The continuous use of this soap keeps the body away from any kind of germs and bacteria effects It keeps the sprit level of any person, very high It acts as an immunity agent for the sprit and soul 02 - Stressed ? .... Try Spirit & Souls unique Stress Relief Aromatherapy products that help boost your mood, relieve your stress, energize and encourage your health through your sense of smell. Soothing blend of Lavender, Cedar wood and many other natural oils that will give you a lively feeling. Live natural 03- What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is a process in which essential oils are applied on body for massage to relief different problems. It is considered as an alternative of medicinal use. Aromatherapy is done through Aromatherapy oils which contains different herbal extracts and beneficial natural oils. Aromatherapy oils are also known as Essential Oils. Aromatherapy is getting popular all over the world and now there are different products forms of Aromatherapy. Hemani Aromatherapy Soaps: Now, Aromatherapy can also be done through different products such as Soaps. Hemani International has made different Aromatherapy Soaps which provides aromatic treatment to your problems. Hemani Aromatherapy Soaps gives relief from different problems and makes you relaxed, stress free and active. Take a shower with Hemani Aromatherapy Soap to get a complete aromatherapy treatment of depression and anxiety. Hemani Anti Depressing Aromatherapy Soap: Hemani Anti Depressing Aromatherapy Soap is the best Aromatherapy Soap because it is full of natural and healthy essential oils and other ingredients. It contains Bergamot Oil, Geranium Oil and Petitgrain Oil. Anti-Depressing Aromatherapy Soap mainly provides your relief from stress, depression and anxiety and makes you active in your daily life routine. Benefits of Natural Herbs in Aromatherapy Soap: Hemani Anti Depressing Aromatherapy Soap mainly contains Bergamot, Geranium and Petitgrain oil extracts. These oils are full of aromatherapy benefits and some of them are sorted as follows: Bergamot Oil: Bergamot belongs to the family of citrus fruits. Its extracts and natural oil gives amazing anti-depressing and body stimulating treatment. It has amazing Aroma which plays a great role in keeping your body relax and stress free. It keeps your nerves relaxed and reduces stiffness and stress by soothing nervous system. With its nerves soothing treatment, it also act as a natural Antibiotic, Antiseptic and Healing Agent for skin which keeps skin protected from germs and heals small wounds. It Bergamot Oil also relaxes mind and removes muscles pain, sprains and headache. Geranium Oil: Geranium Oil keeps balance in hormones, reduces irritation, remove stress and makes your mind free from depression. Its application on skin makes skin healthier and eliminated inflammation. Its aroma like Bergamot, performs a lot in keeping your body relaxed. Petitgrain Oil: Petitgrain Oil is extracted form Citrus fruit Petitgrain. It is full of natural anti-bacterial, anti-septic and anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, it is anti-infectious and antispasmodic. It naturally keeps nervous system and nerves relaxed and stimulated body. Its fragrance and natural elements keeps you out of depression and gives you relief from muscle spasms and anxiety. Important Note: It has some elements which are not good for Pregnant women, nursing women, Patients with heart Arrhythmia and blood pressure problem This is best for use on skin only Do not intake it 04- Product Description Hemani Spirit & Soul Uplifting Aromatherapy Soap: This soap has been prepared by the Hemani company and the sole purpose of its availability in market is that the Hemani company wants to provide the people with a soap, which could refresh their mind and soul. This soap is very special and the most beneficial effect of this soap is that it refreshes the mind and soul of a person so much that he/she feels quite a lot of motivation and spirit in him/her for going ahead or moving forward in life with much more confidence. Use Of This Soap: The motivation and high spirit is very important for any person to move forward in life and the dullness and effect of harsh weather is very important for a person to move forward in life. For removing tiredness, people use many different techniques and products and this soap is among those techniques, which people use for the purpose refreshing themselves. Benefits Of Hemani Spirit & Soul Uplifting Aromatherapy Soap: The regular use of this soap is very effective for the purpose of uplifting the spirit and motivation level of any person This soap can be used as a general purpose soap because it also possess the ability of cleaning and beautifying of face and body skin It immensely increases the morale level of any person and then a person can work more efficiently and in much better way •• Përktheu dhe përshtati Libraria ”DAVETI ISLAM” ••• Kopjimi i këtij materjali është i ndaluar (HARAM) pa lejen e përkthyesit. ============================== • Këtë produktë dhe shumë Produkte tjera i gjeni në rrjetin e Dyqaneve DAVETI ISLAM ADRESAT: • PRISHTINË:Rruga: ‘’Sali Nivica’’ (Bregu i Diellit, Përball Xhamisë te banesat e bardha). • PRISHTINË: Rruga: Lidhja e Lezhes (Përball Xhamisë së Llapit). Orari: 11:00 - 19:00 • PODUJEVË: ‘’Rruga e Xhamisë’’ (Afër Xhamisë së Qytetit) Orari: 11:00 - 19:00 • PODUJEVË: Rruga Zahir Pajaziti përball PTK-së në qendër të qytetit. Orari: 10:00 - 21:00 • PEJË: Rruga ‘’Avni Rrustemi’’ (Afër Teatrit Jusuf Gërvalla) në TESLIM KAFE. Orari: 10:00 - 21:00 • TIRANË: Rruga e Jordan Misija (500m larg kolegjit Turk Mehmet Akif ) Apo si njihet Rruga e Burgut. Dyqani MEDINA përball servisit të automjeteve. Orari Paradite 9:30 - 13.30 Orari Pasdite: 16:00- 21:30 BLEJ ONLINE NGA SHTËPIA >>Transporti deri nshpi me ta pru në tër Kosoven 3€ (Blerja mbi 25€ Transporti Gratis). >>Transporti brenda Tiranës Gratis, Me pagës sipas marveshjës në gjithë Shqipërinë>>E-Mail: davetiislam@live 24 orë Online Shpërndaje •✔ Allahu ju shpërbleft me Xhenet - AMIN Libraria DAVETI ISLAM 2014
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:52:06 +0000

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