NGWENYA THE CROCODILE. Ngwenya the crocodile was a tough guy. - TopicsExpress


NGWENYA THE CROCODILE. Ngwenya the crocodile was a tough guy. He knew only two words: food and extortion. And in no time he had grown into a huge man with a big potbelly feared by all and loved by none. Ngwenya ate a lot of food but needed the morning sun to help him digest his meals. So he basked in the sun on his favourite spot on a rock next to his river home. He loved the slow digestion taking place in his stomach because it relieved him of constipation. He had just finished eating a hippo carcass and needed to breakdown its hard flesh and tough skin. That the dead hippo was his best friend added to the intrigue and the superstitious awe he was regarded with by all animals. Even friendship counted for very little in Ngwenyas books, and all animals didnt forget it. This morning he met a delegation of impala, zebra and kudu who had come to pay him rent for drinking water from his river. He preferred to keep his mouth open so that he could breath easily but it had the opposite effect of instilling fear to all animals because had a set of vicious sharp teeth that lined his entire mouth. Even when his beady eyes were shut no one dared come nearer to Ngwenya. I see you guys! Ngwenya said in Zulu. Cant you let a man enjoy his morning rest. Then the wise impala placated Ngwenya with his family praise names: Mtimande, bhambolunye, zingambili zobe zifuze ekhaya konyoko! Mabuya! Translated it goes as follows: Mtimande, O thou who needs only one rib bone to be complete! If they are two, he shall have been born from his mothers side. Oh the One who goes to accomplish what he sets his mind to do and comes back victorious! Hahaha! You are welcome my friends. Come nearer so that I can see you better. Ngwenya smiled but only his eyes showed his mirth. Then he gave a loud belch and an odious stench filled the air but the delegation kept a polite silence and diplomatic composure. We are always busy here, trying to keep things fresh and clean. But days are hard and we must dine even on diabolical carrion just to keep body and soul together. Ngwenya said giving another less offensive belch. Strong and Mighty One, we have come to pay our rent. It rightfully belongs to you and we can only marvel at your indulgence and forebearance at our sluggishness. The kudu cow said placatingly. You are a wise woman indeed Mrs Kudu. Your words have salved my anger. I wish your rebellious husband was here to witness this. The last time he came here for a drink of water, he could hardly greet me. Ngwenyas eyes were blazing. Fearsome One! whose mighty tail sets a hundred lions to flight! Please ignore him. He does not belong to our respectful family of courtiers. His ears have been stuffed with dry reeds and even our good advice escapes his attention. said the zebra mare. Ah wise words indeed madam. Come nearer so that I can see you. Your bright coat works wonders with my poor eyesight. Ahh you modern women wear all sorts of expensive coats these days. You look too good to eat. Ngwenya was squinting his eyes trying to focus on the zebra. A chill went down Mrs zebras spine. But she recovered herself soon enough. Hehehe! Its my wedding dress Fearful One whose bite even men cannot open. Its meant for my husband so that he can see better even at a distance. Mrs Zebra managed to smile. Good husband you have there, madam. I like his humility. And he looks well after you. Well I dont have all morning to waste on idle talk. Drink your fill. We shall discuss your statement of account next week! Ngwenya declared and went back to sleep. The three friends drank their fill and quickly retired towards Nkuhlu picnic spot. Story by Ralph Sibande and illustrated by Mellissa Tracy Bushby
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 09:11:15 +0000

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