NH GOP E-Board Resolution to Censure House Speaker Shawn Jasper. - TopicsExpress


NH GOP E-Board Resolution to Censure House Speaker Shawn Jasper. The executive committee of the New Hampshire Republican State Committee (NHRSC), having all of the powers, authority, and responsibility of the NHRSC between plenary meetings of the NHRSC, hereby finds and resolves: WHEREAS the New Hampshire Republican Party encourages primary contests because they produce better candidates in the general election against Democratic opponents; and WHEREAS primary contests are designed to allow Republican candidates with differing views to try to persuade voters to support the principles they advocate; and WHEREAS it has long been the tradition of the New Hampshire Republican Party to support the party’s nominees for office once the primaries are concluded; and WHEREAS it is destructive of the objectives of the New Hampshire Republican Party for Republicans to oppose or withhold support from the party’s nominees; and WHEREAS it is a fundamental conviction of the New Hampshire Republican Party that the policies and principles of the Democratic Party are detrimental to the wellbeing of our state and our nation; and WHEREAS it is essential to the success of the New Hampshire Republican Party that its leadership, elected officials, and state party members lead by example and accept the will of Republican voters in primary contests; and WHEREAS it is particularly subversive of Republican electoral success for the party’s elected officials to oppose or undermine the party’s nominees because it causes disunity and intraparty strife and betrays the trust placed in those officials by Republican voters and activists; and WHEREAS personal ambition, personal antipathy toward the party’s nominee, and differences of opinion on policy and the means of implementing it cannot justify public opposition by Republicans officeholders to the party’s nominees; and WHEREAS it is a breach of trust for a Republican officeholder to combine with members of the Democratic Party to oppose the election of a Republican nominee; and WHEREAS the Republican Caucus of the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted on November 18, 2014, to nominate Rep. William O’Brien as the Republican candidate for Speaker of the House; and WHEREAS December 3, 2014, was Organization Day in the New Hampshire General Court, and among the agenda items in the House of Representatives on Organization Day was the election of the Speaker of the House; and WHEREAS in the days leading up to Organization Day, Rep. Shawn Jasper and a minority of other Republican representatives-elect made it known that they would oppose Rep. O’Brien’s election as Speaker and coordinated with the Democratic caucus in the House to thwart the will of the Republican caucus; and WHEREAS as a direct consequence of the actions of Rep. Jasper and his Republican supporters, Rep. O’Brien was defeated in the Speaker’s race and Rep. Jasper was elected Speaker by a coalition of Democrats and a maximum of 47 Republicans; and WHEREAS the Republican Party holds a 79-vote majority in the New Hampshire House of Representatives; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Rep. Jasper is not the Republican Leader in the New Hampshire House of Representatives within the meaning of the NHRSC Bylaws because he was not the nominee of the majority of the Republican caucus; and RESOLVED that Rep. Jasper is censured by the NHRSC for each and all of the following: (1) opposing the Republican caucus’s nominee for Speaker; (2) placing his interests above the interests of the Republican Party and the will of the Republican caucus; (3) showing disrespect toward the Republican voters, contributors, and activists whose commitment to Republican candidates made possible the election of Rep. Jasper and his Republican supporters in the House; (4) combining with the Democratic caucus to create a governing majority in which Republicans make up less than twenty percent of the total despite having a sixty percent majority in the House; and (5) having risked the long-term party unity and discipline that is essential to the mission, principles, objectives, traditions, and future success of the Republican Party.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 12:32:43 +0000

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