#NHS recommending 2nd time mothers to have their babies at home. - TopicsExpress


#NHS recommending 2nd time mothers to have their babies at home. #Homeopathic treatment before the conception, during pregnancy and labour will give you the best chance of having a healthy child. #Homeopathic treatment will enable you to reach your highest level in well being and will bring about a balanced state of health to you and your child. Being at home, in most cases, will lower your anxiety levels and along with the appropriate remedy can have positive results. Here at ycch.co.uk we have treated many women in pregnancy and labour. We suggest they have a remedy kit by their side during labour and someone who can administer a remedy if needed. We give advise to the Mum and Dad to be regarding the treatment needed. Very often after Constitutional treatment during pregnancy to increase well being, the woman can give birth without any remedy needed. Remedies however, can help significantly. Pulsatilla for excessive weepiness and needing attention. Chamomilla for very angry and impatient women. They can snap their husbands/partners heads off. Aconite for fright and shocked feeling. Arnica for pain as of a blunt instrument and to help with healing, especially after sutures. The woman who needs Arnica will not accept help and constantly say they are alright, when infact will be in pain. Caulophyllum for a slow labour. Pains short and irregular, no progress made. It is best to seek professional advise rather than just try remedies out for yourself, but these remedies can be most often needed during pregnancy and labour. The women often goes into what we Homeopaths call an altered state during this time in their life.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 09:45:08 +0000

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