NIBIRU 12 The Jesus Christ story the Jews, Romans and Anunnaki - TopicsExpress


NIBIRU 12 The Jesus Christ story the Jews, Romans and Anunnaki made up, is one of the many themes and variations of the story of King Nimrod, Queen Sumiramis and their son Tamuz, the Royal Family of Babylon who ruled by their reptilian bloodline from Nibiru. The story goes that King Nimrod dies and becomes the Sun God Baal. This Sun God Baal then impregnates Queen Sumiramis, and the Son of God the Father Nimrod, is conceived by IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. These devils took the same story, of which there must be a hundred variations of it all over the planet, and the dropped it into the minds of the ignorant, barbarian Europeans, and set up the Roman Catholic Church, with their papal army of the Knights of Malta and the Knights Templars, as Secret Societies and attempted to forced it down the throats of every nation upon this planet, and collect tithes (money) from the ignorant masses. This same CON GAME works very well for them to this very day, particularly in the communities of the oppressed poor and ignorant humans who have no knowledge or higher levels of consciousness. God the Father and the Son as one is where the Christian story was made up from, by these devils. It is nothing new. However for the blind, uneducated and dumb, it is the Alpha and Omega of all things.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 01:28:56 +0000

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