NICE ARTICLE BY OZZY LIJODI A MUST READ FOR LUHYAS LUHYAS MUST CEASE BEING A LUO COLONY!!! A few years towards the end of the presidential term of Mwai Kibaki,Raila Odinga made many visits to Kikuyuland.The intention of Raila was to endear himself to the voters of the Mt Kenya region.The ODM leader was shocked when the late John Njoroge Michuki told him categorically that anybody who wants to talk to Kikuyus must go through Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta!!! Around the same time,Raila had fallen out with the ODM Pentagon member William Samoei Ruto.As a result,Raila declared that he would talk directly with Kalenjin voters because its the Kalenjin voters who elected him in 2007,NOT William Ruto. When the 2013 presidential elections were held,Raila Odinga learnt it the hard way that you cant win Mt Kenya votes and Kalenjin votes without the support of Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and William Ruto respectively. In Ukambani however,Raila Odinga swept most of the Presidential votes! Why then did Ukambani abandon Raila Odinga in the 2007 presidential elections??? Why did Ukambani remain hostile to Raila Odinga in the period between 2007-2012??? The reason is simple! In 2007,Kalonzo Musyoka had fallen out with Raila Odinga hence the reason why Kamba voters overlooked the Presidential candidature of Raila Odinga.In the 2008-2012 period,Kalonzo Musyoka was Kibakis Vice President hence the reason for the hostility of Ukambani towards Raila Odinga.When Kalonzo Musyoka formed an alliance with Raila Odinga towards the 2013 General Elections,Ukambani stopped their hostility towards Raila Odinga and voted for him as a block! The Agikuyu,the Kalenjins and the Akamba decide their leader themselves! They dont wait for an outsider to impose a leader on them! Once the community decides its leader,it goes to a negotiating table with a strong bargaining power! They dont go as underdogs in alliance formation! They are independent of outsiders! The Luhya community is currently a colony of the Luo community with Raila Odinga as the colonial master! Luhyas wait for Raila Odinga to impose leaders on the community! It is very dangerous politically,for the 2nd largest community to remain a colony of the Luo community which has presidential ambitions.Both Luhyas and Luos have ambitions for presidency.Luhyas and Luos are like bachelors seducing a girl! In this case the girl is the presidency! The Luhyas and the Luos are therefore seducing this beautiful lady,the presidency! How then can the Luhyas bestow the responsibility of winning the girl,the presidency,in the hands of the Luos??? Can a bachelor send a fellow bachelor to help him win a girl they are both interested in??? Will Luos seduce the girl for Luhyas or they will seduce the girl for themselves??? This explains why Luhya leaders who work closely with Raila remain close friends until they develop presidential ambitions! The late Michael Wamalwa Kijana was a very close friend with Raila Odinga until he declared interest to lead Ford Kenya and contest presidency! Little did Wamalwa know that Ford Kenya was the Odinga family property and upon the death of Jaramogi Oginga Odinga in 1994,Raila Odinga was interested in taking over as the Chairman.The Wamalwa-Raila battle in Ford Kenya became nasty with Baghdad boys disrupting party elections whenever they were planned! That is the Raila Odinga that some Luhyas on Facebook appear too young to know!!!! After losing the leadership of Ford Kenya to Wamalwa Kijana,Raila Odinga joined NDP but nobody branded him a project! In 1997,Raila Odinga contested for presidency on NDP making all Luos to follow him to NDP.Nobody called Raila a project in 1997.In 1998,Raila Odinga betrayed the opposition and joined KANU but nobody called him a project! In 2002 when the KANU Secretary General Raila Odinga was not endorsed by Moi to contest presidency,he quit KANU and formed LDP.Nobody called Raila a project! LDP joined NAK and this gave birth to NARC in 2002.Nobody called Raila a project for leading NDP into an alliance with NAK.When Raila Odinga fell out with Mwai Kibaki in 2005 and campaigned against the referendum,bobody called Mr Odinga a project! In 2007 when Raila Odinga contested presidency,nobody called him a project!!! In 2007 when Wycliffe Musalia Mudavadi supported Raila Odinga for presidency,he was treated as a reformer by Luos.However,when Mudavadi declared interest in contesting presidency in 2013,he was branded a Jubilee project!!! In 2013, Ababu Namwamba was the leader of ODM reloaded! Mr Namwamba was referred to as Jenerali by Luos for criss crossing all parts of Kenya campaigning for Raila Odinga! By then,Ababu Namwamba was Jenerali.A year later,Ababu Namwamba declared that he would contest for the Secretary General of ODM.He was declared a Jubilee mole by the Luo community! How can one be Jenerali when he is campaigning for Raila in the ODM reloaded team but become a Jubilee mole immediately he declares interest in the ODM leadership??? Are Luhyas meant to be the cheering squad of the Luos but not players??? When will Luhyas play while Luos cheer them??? Luhyas must now wake up from sleep! The 2nd largest community has for long been used as the stepping stone by other communities! We have been treated like toilet paper in formation of alliances! Luhyas especially Moses Wetangula,Amos Wako,Bonny Khalwale and Paul Otuoma should revise the political history of Raila Odinga.They should stop being used to divide the Luhya community.The Luhya community should dissolve all political parties and form a new party which will unite the community.We should go to the negotiating table with other communities as equals,NOT as underdogs! We should never at any time be branded projects or moles just because we have developed political ambitions! Masinde Muliro once said that a politician without presidential ambitions has no business in politics!!!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:18:54 +0000

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