NICE JOB BARACK…….. JUST A FEW OF BARACK’S G-20 MEETING SUCCESSES…… …..Americans have to cut emissions while China does not …..China signs an energy agreement with Russia offsetting any financial impact of Barack’s meaningless sanctions against Russia ….. China unveils its new stealth fighter jet that looks like ours …..Iran unveils its new drone that is a duplicate of ours that Barack lost to them and than asked them to please give it back …..Russia sends massive troops into Ukraine …..Russia send 4 bombers, 4 fighter jets & 4 refueling planes into Turkey airspace …..Russia sends warships off the coast of Australia …..Russia sends spy plane into Estonia airspace …..Russia sends 7 fighter jets along coast of Finland …..Russia sends 7 fighter jets into Swedish airspace …..Russia sends nuclear bomber along Alaskan coast …..Russia sends nuclear bomber across northern Europe …..Russia sends fighter jets testing Japan’s response capability …..Russia will expand its patrol in the Gulf of Mexico to test its long-range capabilities …..Japan pushing for closure of U.S. base …..Another American beheaded …..Palestinian aggression in Jerusalem & west bank has exploded …..Iran’s lead nuclear negotiator says that the U.S. MUST bow to Iran’s nuclear rights. Says westerners are being lied to about Iran making concessions and impact of sanctions. Another person calling American voters stupid. ….DHS disclosed that Russia has hacked into critical U.S. databases & has the capability to shut them down whenever they want. Russia has electronic control of our oil/gas pipelines, water filtration systems, nuclear plants, power grid & wind turbines. They can activate with a computer, ipad or cell phone. There is no doubt that Russia has also compromised government systems such as the pentagon, satellite systems, radar databases and others. DHS says they have no way of telling when Russia will initiate an attack. …..Barack nor his DOJ does anything to defuse racist Fergusson protestors from declaring war on American taxpayers & flaunting its intention to break laws & demanding that police stand by & watch …Silence is a signal of complicity!!!!!!!!!!!! …..Defense secretary Hagel expresses concern about China & Russia’s military buildup and America’s slippage in its military advantage to the point he has just declared it to the world by publicly soliciting ideas for reversing the problem….. I for one will never again complain about Barack spending time on the golf course…….
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 23:06:31 +0000

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