NIGERIA AND ITS GIFTED FOOLS Aliyu Usman - TopicsExpress


NIGERIA AND ITS GIFTED FOOLS Aliyu Usman Jibo President SIC 2014/2015 I was enticed by the writing of a columnist MBO Owolowo about Nigeria’s fools at large. It made me realized how foolish I was and the other fools that happened to be my friends, elders, and role models. I compelled myself to write about the category of fools and their foolishness in the Nigerian economic, political, religious and socio-cultural sphere especially during this period of political bombardment. Don’t get things twisted for reminding you the class of fools you belong since I am also an enlightened fool helping you to escape the foolery route. For better understanding, a fool is any person who behaves in a silly way without thinking or any person who is deficient in judgment, sense or understanding. This is not the definition of fools we have in Nigeria. Nigerian fool is someone who has been tricked or appears to look ridiculous. This type of foolishness is occasional. Meaning, a Nigerian fool is someone who acts unwisely in a given occasion. My write-up starts with the first set of fools I met while collecting my admission letter in Yobe State University in 2011. I named them potential fools for thinking of changing my chosen field of study which I spent years longing to get unknown to them that I was a devoted fool clinging unto my prospective discipline and having the false notion of Economics is the best course to study. They were cheap fools for convincing a classic fool like me in an instance where am deaf, dumb and blind in the city of fools. As fellow students, I knew there foolishness could not over power my foolish act. They should try science based students with the illness of studying medicine and see the true meaning of foolishness. I went on with my flight of life passing through so many foolish acts and understood nobody was born foolish. It is in the academic environment that I really comprehend foolishness could be gradually attained either consciously, subconsciously and sometimes unintentionally like my YSU fellow fools and myself the original fool presently disturbing you with a paltry write-up full of foolishness. As Nigeria is blessed with human and natural resources, it is also gifted with fools classified in different categories based on their intensity. The fools that preoccupied my thinking are the intelligent fools. They are truly intelligent that have the power to change the world with their God giving potentials in areas of innovation and invention but are not bold enough and always brag about being the best brains. These fools include my friends in the campus and all other young promising Nigerians that failed to realize how action change America and how Bill gate, Roman Abrahmovic, Mark Zuckerberg, Galileo Galilee, Al-jabir (Algebra) Michael faraday, Mahatma Gandhi, Luther King, Dangote, Adenuga, Chinua Achebe and the rest take a lead and changed the world. What an ambivalence for a medical doctor to contest for house of Representatives. I was part of this category but pulled out for long for being conscious of my action. These fools graduate and become educated fools: These types of fools are educated with the best certificates at their disposal but learnt nothing. Some of them are professors but always exhibit their ignorance to unfathomable heights. Their inventor is the white hairy renowned critic that spent most of his life time opposing government with his literary jargons but failed to offer a lasting solution as an elder statesman. Thanks to Papa Chinua Achebe for not being among this category of fools. This week, another Professor accept the mantle of leading these fools by labeling the presidential candidate of the opposition party as semi-literate while the man holding his pay voucher is a PHD holder who has no confidence and considered a disgrace to the philosophical doctorship and whose speeches, attitude and interviews with international media don’t portray him as a PhD holder. He couldn’t make an eye contact with his interviewer. Ask Christiane Amanpour if am lying. It was very embarrassing. Some of them can easily call others fools while they are the bigger fools for allowing brand of fools to attain positions of authority over them. We also have bigoted fools, the ones driven by bigotry and hatred. They are always in the social media mounting their confusion with boundless bigotry. They can go to any length to depend the absurdities of others that belong to their religion, political platform, ethnic group e.t.c FFK falls under here that can swallow his vomit without shame. He is also a crown prince of fools to some of the kingdom of fools I will mention. Religious fools: more than 90% of Nigerians belongs to this category of fools and if you escape the above classes, the probability of catching you here is very high. These peoples believe their religious leaders more than the God himself and to them, enriching a religious leader is a means of salvation. They mistake religion and labeled others as unreligious and used in dividing the nation along religious line. Most of their revered figures own private jets while others are maiming and killing their siblings in the name of religion. These fools are too risky to be mention because they are the most dangerous category of fools. I better run to prayer fools that believed and always talk about prayer and doing nothing to make such a prayer reality. They are found in religious places, schools, and other formal and informal gatherings and only remember prayer when they are in problem. Students that are gifted with access to good lecturers and vast educational materials like Yobe State University but instead of utilizing the opportunity by studying, resorts to just praying expecting a miracle in the examination day. My friends in the Department of Economics and the other ones in various departments may expect themselves here; I don’t have to mention names. One thing with Nigerians is that; they always want to reap where they did not sow! Fools graduated to sycophantic fools who are shameless in depending the failure of their pay masters and can tell all lies to cover flimsy things as achievements. They celebrated the repairs of locomotive railways when the world is trying to travel at the speed of light underground. There are transformation fools that are busy depending the ruthless agenda of their confused master. They are very good in using ambiguous words that could easily mystify poor fools like U and I. The two perfected liars in the hot seat falls here and they are very energetic. Most of them resigned from their ministerial appointment after transforming their pockets and went back to contest for governorship but unfortunately bitten mercilessly at the polls. This should be the beginning of their political prostitution. There is a perfected fool or watchful fool that confuses, diffuse and refuse the entire economic and political system and put the nation in a sinking ship with an ailing captain and joyfully watch to complete the chapter of his autobiography. He is perfect enough to decide for more than 170 million as if he is above mistake or the most perfected being on earth. This man can paint failure and call it success and when the colour fades, they distance themselves and hold the installed fool and his aid to ransom for the kangaroo movement of the economy and maladministration of public affairs. This type of fool can grow and become a controversial fool that actually hugs controversy as his hobby. His memoir provokes so many people as even the ones that have answered the supreme calls were not spared. This type of fool never fear criticism and he can put his daring mouth to mock his religion when he said even Jesus Christ cannot hold free and fair election in Nigeria. A fool like this is very influential and has like-dislike relationship with most of the polity due to his courage and media familiarity. They are always active and can enroll for degrees at an inch instance to grave and confuse people with their mixed memoir written joyfully in the ivory tower of their farms. I also have complicated fools who I pity because they don’t know they are actually fools. They are always craving for wisdom but can’t even demonstrate their roles as enlightened beings and believe with grades not knowing success doesn’t lies in the result, but the effort puts in. Next to them are incidental fools that are made fools due to economic hardship of their countries. I am sometimes among these fools by waiting for my failed government to provide me with all I want and became a victim of circumstances. Those thinking of Nigerian government can fight the current insecurity menace without their intervention as citizens falls under here which I myself the biggest fool waits for miracle to intervene. How can I forget 1st December, 2014? There are opportunist fools that are waiting for opportunities to crawl for them as if we are in the dark ages. They always view things as problems and needs perfect time and perfect strategy to aspire. They don’t take the challenge of approaching every problem and change it to opportunity. As widely said, in every adversity, there is a clear seed of opportunity and wise people always see possibilities out of impossibilities. I have dominant fools that hold their economy to ransom. These fools are women and I am right to call them the most powerful figure in the country as they have direct influence on the number one citizen of Nigeria. They head the vital ministries in the economy and personalized the ship with its entire treasures. Among them, there is number one woman of the federation that fights with ministers and state governors under the nose of her incompetent and confused husband. Aviation and petroleum ministries scandal with the sudden summersault of the economy are all to their credit. Obasanjo was right by saying we have five presidents currently ruling the nation out of which four are women with the one man that is weakest among them. We come to the hypnotize fools that are hypnotized by power and greed and always try to climb the ladder of affluence by hook or crook. They believe their money can buy them votes and invest excessively in to politics. It is of recent that few among them learnt a lesson when the money failed them. Some of them are in political offices all their life. Their philosophy is sit tight syndrome but Nigerians has a panacea ready for them in the February 2014 polls called pull them out syndrome. There are decorated fools that are brought in to limelight just to depend the interest of the C in C, his dummy aides and abuse their offices. They are toothless attack dogs that can bark at anyone that is not in good term with their masters. They can exonerate people with the highest criminal allegations instantly despite the evidences proved against them. Their body language is suspicious and they are vulnerable for investigation but still moving with the highest number of convoys dining and wining with the decorated fools and their master. These fools consciously dance to the tune of cabals and break the firm promise they made during their enlistment. The biggest fool among them is the one that shamelessly fight the speaker and denied knowing him as the megaphone of the lower house since he pulls out from the party of his pay master. They also enjoy the protracted feud in some part of the country for the money voted to them in the annual financial statement. No wonder the heroes in the battle field are not adequately armed but deserve death sentence for complaining. This is the madness of the highest order. Change agent fools are the newly invented brand of fools we have. They are craving for change but couldn’t change themselves. They are driven by quest of having new Nigeria shouting sai buhari but some don’t even have valid voters card. A wise man said you must be the change you wish to see in the society and the best solution is to change oneself since Buhari is not an Angel sent directly to stamp out your madness. Hmm 2015………………. The last set of fools in my list is Comparative fools. They are the most pitiful fools I ever know who derive pleasure by comparing themselves with others. They are pitiful because they hate to see others on top of them while their fingers are not equal and spent most of their life with bias and prejudice. They are always parallel to happiness and failed to understand success will never be achieved by attacking the successful. They are callous and never look at the people below them. They are enemies in disguise and hyena with the face of a goat. These fools are everywhere and very hard to identify in the short run but very useful in lifting the ones they hate as their evil plans turn out to be a blessing. In conclusion, we are in a vicious circle of foolishness with brands of foolish acts. The question is when can we be free from it? Well! As long as we allow ourselves to be fooled, the circle continuous. So, when fooled next time, don’t blame the fools for being tricky but yourselves for allowing them to fool you in the first instance. When we allow this act of foolishness to go beyond the occasional and increases its intensity, the next thing is……………………………………………….. You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time but you cannot fool all the people all the time. Abraham Lincoln. Seasons greatings!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:10:09 +0000

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