NIGERIA AND ITS ISSUES Nigeria needs a subtle peaceful - TopicsExpress


NIGERIA AND ITS ISSUES Nigeria needs a subtle peaceful disobedience to readjust the mull-over of citizens and the alienation of their rights. Nigeria can only be ironically juxtaposed with other nations’ political, social or economic stability when without the masses or its incumbent beneficiaries merry of their labour and exhaustible participation to nation building. The case of corruption and self-aggrandizement must be shown-off and thrown into the abyss of our past. Alas! The skyrocketing of tumultuous and single-handed leadership has not only inconvenience the nation’s stakeholders but also invoked the metamorphosis of myriads of heinous social atrocities. Is it really true that America’s premonition of what will become of Nigeria in 2015 escaping into reality? We do not pray for that! Yet, it is outright and point blank that none of the nation’s corruption-breed prevalence, corrected! ‘They’ share handsome billions of wad of currency notes in the sheer opened eyes of their marginalized and shore-off citizens, then, how much would they share in the blindfolded eyes of darkness without the witnessing eyes of these literates but ‘ignorant-rated’ people? Peace has become so tardy! In fact, a Herculean task to reach! But ‘they’ are there! The swift ghosts of power only hesitate to be enthroned, even at the expense of their ill-health or ‘octogenarianism’, but have they hesitate on national stability? They are only pilots of polity rather than vanguards of national transformation and readjustment. Youths are exposed to being thugs, being instruments of social causative havocs than exposed to gadgets of yielding national civilization. Redundancy and joblessness are the identities of an average Nigerian youth; then, who are the successors of the national glory? Despite the fact that employment has become a tug of war in the contemporary dispensation of Nigeria, education is reduced to the popular adage “to fulfill all righteousness” because it is a business without profit as far as the engineers of power and leadership are concern in Nigeria. Whatever the pandemonium youths have razed would it be susceptible to any legal indictment? Well, thank God for our religions’ faith! Nigeria is a fertile land, prosperous and glorified: those who hold the magic wand of power wield it greedily and selfishly! Nigeria needs no third party to align its filths, IT ONLY NEEDS PEACEFUL REVOLUTIONARIES WHO CAN TRANSMOGRIFY THE DEADEN CONSCIENCE OF THOSE POLITICAL CHAUVINISTS, POLITICAL ENTREPRENUERS AND POLITICAL PSYCOPATHS who dogmatically believe that leadership in Nigeria lies in their own paradigmatic occupation of places they are old enough to have been immortalized with! To our own perspectives, Nigeria’s ordeals have turned us all to punch bags, thereby believing that the bedeviling issues are hard nuts to crack! Eventhough corruption is the most infallible of constitutional liberty; let’s wake up from our slumber of fears! Let’s rise up to claim our destinies and conquer our solitary soliloquies! Let’s pick up our pens and papers! Sensibility accepts complaints! “The pen is mightier than the sword” (Chinua Achebe). Ken Saro Wiwa is dead, yet being remembered for his unwavering activism! Soyinka does it through his essays and placards of peaceful sanctity! Achebe died through the intricacy of socio-political menace of Nigeria while portraying its ridiculous ludic! Let us rise and disagree Awolowo’s philosophy “……….be generally agreed that eradication of corruption from any society is not just a difficult task: it is without dispute, an impossible objective”. MAY GOD TRANSFORM NIGERIA FOR ITS GOOD SOMEDAY! AMEN
Posted on: Fri, 30 Aug 2013 13:17:00 +0000

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