NIGERIA: DEMOCRACY IN ACTION OR IN DARKNESS? BY ABBATI BAKO,psc The democracy has been globally in practice since 508BC. The system was initiated in Athens (Greece). The essence is for the Demos (people) to use kpatos (power or strength) and elect their representatives in all sphere of governance. The first principle of democracy is participation of all citizens in the affairs of the nation---pure and simple. Democratic politics is a process concerning power. In modern day politics, it is not just about getting power, it is also about competing values, interest and ambition. For example, the business community in any nation or society cannot in their millions or thousands go to the rulers or leadership to tell or say their suggestions, complains, advice on what will affect their life or business. Also, on law making processes or on their economic vi-abilities and so on. Also the professional bodies such as NBA, Medical associations, teachers association and such similar organizations in a nation must have their representatives in the affairs of governance in a nation. The rational behind the democratic system is to solve the public problems; be it economy, political (governance) or social issues that will positively or negatively will impact the peoples life. Thats political democracy! Aristotle remarked that “the individual is a political animal; he indicates the primacy of politics and the fact that political thinking takes place at various levels and in a variety of ways. The ‘political’, in such a view becomes not only all pervasive but also the highest kind of activity. Politics symbolizes a collective public life, wherein people create institutions that regulate their common life”. Democracy is defined by freedom of speech and assembly, free elections and a government resulting from such free elections, the separation of powers and the rule of law which is engaged in the political process. I understand that, democracy means;- public- sphere>debate>majority>free>forum>individual>election>citizen>leaders>majority>representation>minority’s voice/protection>legitimacy and control>administration> governed and governing>institution>rule of law>equal>no force and violence>agonistic (Greek word)>elitist playful between people>legalistic/liberal>discursive>neuterality/ common good> secular>referendum>consensus. Participation and control are done through institutional organizations which mobilize and harmonize people and opinions in order to influence or control political power. Some of these institutions are the political parties. Political parties are necessary part of democracy. But the existence of political parties does not necessary qualify a system to be democratic. Professor Tatah Mentan of the institute for Global Studies, University of Minnesota is an expert in political science and teaches courses on globalisation and security studies, says “Democracy is about political choice fostered by meaningful political competation. In a democracy all partisan interest and ideological flavors have a chance to make their case to electorate. A well functioning democracy does not guarantee success in the political (or economic) marketplace.Rather; it does assure that everyone should potentially be capable of securing office”. Conclusively, The question is are we (Nigeria) really practicing real democratic system? Is endorsement part of democracy or is the creation of our leaders? Is Nigerias democracy on the right path? Abbati Bako,psc
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 11:56:29 +0000

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