NIGERIA MOST BETTER VOL:2 Whom shall I send and who will go for - TopicsExpress


NIGERIA MOST BETTER VOL:2 Whom shall I send and who will go for me! might as well be the case of Nigeria before we touch the promise land. Judging from a distant one could hope that the return of democracy in 1999 was the ushering inn of ray of light that will carry us to achieve strong economic development and infrastructural building, but revise is the case in Nigeria, we can only boost of deeper poverty levels to the masses caused by vagabonds in power ( quote, Fela The Great ) As a nationalist living outside the borders of Nigeria our ultimate concern is the betterment of Nigeria and all Africa in general, this quest has also made us in diaspora to eat and drink any news that is coming out of the country through dailies/TVs and internet. But on a daily basis you cant help but sigh after getting first hand news from Nigeria, some times you even wonder if the country is still in planet Earth because the kind of things happening there is no different from the Greek ancient mythological tales. If you have been following the news in Nigeria few days back, then you already know the saga behind the two armored vehicle that was bought for 1.5million dollars by our aviation minister MRS Stella Odua sighting security reasons. Now lets take it one after the other, we have to first acknowledge the braveness of whom ever the whistle blower might be for shining such light on one of the ways this LICH called leaders are diverting public funds, and also encourage other kind hearted Nigerians who are also in position of knowing the maladministration in government offices not to hold them back rather make it public before we will all wake up one day and there will not be a country to call our own because of few LICHES among the living. Now let talk about the situation that will warrant a minister whom under her tenure witness massive air disaster to the tune of ten plane crash within a year which I believe could have given her OSCAR award as the worst aviation minister of all time, will rise only to purchase two cars for 255million naira ( CHINEKE !!! ) what an Idu na Oba tales. Yes their are threats of Boko Haram and the rest, but even Pakistan and Afghanistan that has been engulf by Boko Haram senior brothers Taliban and Al Qaeda has not shared ministers with armored cars let alone Nigeria that the Haram boys is even on the run. I want Nigerians to pause for a while and carefully read the hand written on the wall, for I strongly believe that if we should calmly put our search light down we will find out that aviation minister is not and will never be the first minister/commissioner/governor that has engage in such madness, rather she was following the trend on grand. Following the development of MRS Stella extravagant spending being blown up in the open, the office of the presidency initiated a three man probing panel that will see into this scandal. Fellow Nigerians, our president is probing some one that is not suspended and what do you think that such person will do? fold hands and legs watch those who has been appointed to scrutinize her office make her the scape goat of the year while she is still the chairperson in the same office, hell no. She surely will find a strategic way to come up a clean person by using that same office to block any incriminating evidence against her. Having said all this about the aviation minister, now lets check out on the other side of the story still about aviation. The Nigerian presidential air wing which has just been made known to public how many flight our Royal Highness ! oh sorry guys, our president is using, there cost and maintenance annually. Permit me to cut a long story short, there are ten flying objects that takes our president around while our colonial masters meaning Prime Minister of Britain and the entire Families of Her Majesty the Queen are subjected to be using only two Planes, what an achievement on our side. News has it that the current president of Malawi came into power and she was made to know that there is one presidential jet for her as the president, but as a true leader not the celebrity DR Jonathan and his co-host, she tagged it luxury and sold it of. Few months later she is to pay a state visit to Nigeria, instead of her chartering a flight to make the journey our president rather send one of the many presidential air ( LINE ) to pick her up and after the state visit to drop her back. What a waste of wealth and this person use to be a son of a local fisher man who knows the A to Z of what it means to be a poor man in the country, getting to such position where he should have used the power and resources available to bring his fellow country men out of abject poverty or die trying is rather spending lavishly as if the oil will never dry. MY PEOPLE E DON REACH MAKE WE ASK WHO WILL GO FOR US AND WHO CAN WE SEND TO DO THE JOB WELL.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 21:49:56 +0000

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