NIGERIA:THE MOUTHPIECE OF AFRICA.(REALITY BEHIND BOMBINGS) Good people,great nation,the gaint of Africa,the largest black nation,we cry,we weep,we shade tears,we lament over occurancies in the nation ranging 4rm local tribal wars to nigeria civil war,4rm niger delta miltancy to kidnapping in the south east,4rm fulani/ijaw fight to boko haram in the north which will never be the last.the south blame the north for thier dominance in national politics,the north blame the south for pipeline vandalization the west on their own cry against marginalization while smaller ethnic groups agitate for a chance in politics.we enjoy PEACE but yet die in numbers more than nationstate that are fighting war.we advocate ONE NIGERIA but seek disintegration,we promise to fight insurgency but accuse each other.THY GLORY OH 9JA IS SLAMMED,HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLING.The christains abuse and accuse the muslim,the muslims believe the christains are the perpetrators of this evil,bcos to them,if their brethren were respondsible, they would gone to the south were there are much christains.the political consious minds calls what we see politics.while the ELITES who sits in a long distance forieghn lands manipulate activities in Nigeria. I write bcos am sad,i write bcos am angry,but despite the anger of a blind man he cannt see unless there is a miracle.Its true dat the government have not really done much,but even if the do thier best,their best will not be enough as far as the ELITES still exist.The war is 100s of year older than our dear Nigeria.War of dominance,war of supremacy,war of total control and war of power. Our boko haram brothers are made to believe they are fighthing to stop western education and civilzation but unfortunately dats not true bcos the dont even know who the fight for,why the fight,who financies their mission.all the know is their local petrons (yet unknown to Nigeria)who takes orders from the ELITES.To the ELITIES,to capture Nigeria is to capture Africa since Nigeria remains very powerful in Africa. The fight is not a religious fight,its not a tribal fight,its not a sectional fight but its a fight of of unity,its a fight of awareness,its a fight of correction,its a fight against the ELITIES.They cough and the world shake,they sneeze and people die,they cause terror (secretly)and people run to them for solution.they capture nationstates and take decision for them.the give us devilish conditions so as to be very visiblein in international politics.but we have said no and our no is our no. I see the souls of the deceased ones (those dat died in bomb blast)holding their hands together singing in joyGOD BLESS NIGERIA OUR BELOVED COUNTRY,STOP ACCUSATION AND FACE REALITY,FIGHT THE OLD WICKED ELITIES,I LOVE MY COUNTRY EVEN TILL DEATH. I see the ELITIES manifesting again even after the era of boko haram.the solution is to prepare for death(REPENT) cos the ELITIES will stop at Nothing.GOD BLESS NIGERIA...........(AMB.OBIJURU CHIMA)
Posted on: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 12:47:57 +0000

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