NIGERIAN MILITARY SCHOOL EX – BOYS’ ASSOCIATION ELECTORAL GUIDELINES 2014 PREAMBLE In continuation of our quest to have a formidable NMS Ex-Boys Association (EBA) which can stand its own anywhere, anytime and which every Ex-Boy across all generations will be proud of, the Interim National Executive Committee after wide consultations has deemed it fit to elect a new set of officials to man the affairs of our beloved Association as part of the activities marking the Diamond Jubilee (60th Foundation Day Celebrations) of our alma mater - the great Nigerian Military School, Zaria on 20th May. 2014. THE MANDATE The Electoral Committee which was appointed at the National meeting of the Interim Executive Committee on August 27th 2013 in Abuja shall be responsible for drawing up the general guidelines for the elections, receive nominations of candidates contesting the available offices, conduct the elections in a manner that is free and which ensures equity and fairness to all, and organize the swearing in of the elected officials. THE COMMITTEE The Committee has an 8 man membership as follows a. Ex-Boy (Maj Gen) S. A. Odunsi (NMS 66-70) – Chairman/ Chief Electoral Officer b. Ex-Boy (AVM) M. Y Aisimi (NMS 61-71) - Deputy Chairman c. Ex-Boy (Brig Gen) P A. Boroh (NMS 72-76) d. Ex- Boy(Lt. Col) A. O Igweani (NMS 63-70) e. Ex-Boy (Maj) M E Alexander (NMS ) f. Ex-Boy ( ) Moses Alu (NMS g. Ex-Boy Izaddin Chafe (NMS ) h. Ex-Boy (Barr). Ayuba Abdul (NMS) The Committee is at liberty to co-opt members from the Community of Ex-Boys available and if necessary, set up ad-hoc/sub-committee for the purpose of carrying out its mandate. ELIGIBILITY 1. All bonafide Ex-Boys of the Nigerian Military School Zaria as defined by our Constitution (subject to any amendment) are eligible to contest any of the available offices provided they are active financial members of their respective State Chapters. Every prospective candidate shall be expected to produce a clearance letter from the chairman and secretary of his State Chapter. 2. In the same vein, all bonafide Ex-Boys are eligible to vote for candidate(s) of their choice, provided that no single voter shall be allowed to cast more than one vote with respect to election into any particular office. INTERESTED CANDIDATES All those interested in contesting offices are to make such intention known to the Elctoral Committee not later than 10th March, 2014. MODE OF VOTING It shall be the responsibility of the Electoral Committee to conduct voting during the elections as prescribed in the Constitution, voting shall be by open show of hands which shall be counted for each candidate. However, in order to avoid multiple voting, the Committee shall be at liberty to modify the procedure as it may deem it fit. ANNOUNCEMENT OF VOTES The Chief Electoral Officer of the election shall be responsible for the announcement of the results at the end of the entire process and the result so announced shall be final. In his absence, the Deputy, having the same authority vested in him by the Chairman for this occasion shall carry out this duty. SWEARING The Electoral Committee shall present the lists of elected officers to the General Secretary of the Interim Executive Committee who shall invite the National President, the members of the Board of Trustees (BOT) present and the National Legal Adviser to duly swear in the elected officers and present their instruments of office as well as a certificate of return from the Electoral Committee to such elected officers. OFFICES TO BE CONTESTED The Offices to be contested for are: a. President b. Vice President c. General Secretary d. Assistant General Secretary e. Treasurer f. Financial Secretary g. Director of Corporate Affairs h. Asst, Director of Corporate Affairs i. Director of Logistics j. Asst. Director of Logistics k. Legal Adviser l. Director of Socials m. Asst. Director of Socials n. Director of Publicity o. Asst. Director of Publicity p. Director of Security & Protocol q. Asst. Director of Security & Protocol r. Ex-officio members. CONCLUSION A formidable Ex-Boys Association you will agree is a sine-qua-non to the development of our alma-mater – The Great NMS. The Election to be held during its Diamond Jubilee Celebrations (20th May, 2014) and for which this document is its guideline is therefore key to the attainment of this development, hence, all hands are pleaded to be on deck Ex-Boy S. A. ODUNSI Chief Electoral Officer
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 07:00:15 +0000

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