NIGERIAN POP SINGER OFFERS HER VIRGINITY TO ISLAMIC MILITANTS IN EXCHANGE FOR HUNDREDS OF KIDNAPPED SCHOOLGIRLS SAFE RETURN... A Nigerian pop singer and peace ambassador has sent shock waves across social media by offering her virginity to Islamic militants in exchange for the return of hundreds of kidknapped schoolgirls. Adokiye, 23, made the proposal to Boko Haram members to help free the 276 Nigerian girls which they snatched in April from the largely Christian north-eastern town of Chibok. The singer and actress from the countrys Imo State told Nigerian newspaper Vanguard: This is 11pm in the night and do you know what I am thinking about? Those little girls, where they are and what could be happening to them. It is just unfair. They are too young. I wish I could offer myself in exchange. The UN Ambassador of Peace also added:They are between 12 and 15 year old girls for Christ sake. I am older and more experienced. Even if 10 to 12 men have to take me every night, I don’t care. Just release these girls and let them go back to their parents. The kidnapping, by the Abubakar Shekau led group, has already sparked a worldwide campaign #BringBackOurGirls. It has been backed by celebrities and high-profile leaders like David Cameron and Michelle Obama but Twitter uses werent so sure about the merits of Adokiyes offer. Twitter user Singhatul2014 said the offer was very touching and that Adokiye should be given a Nobel Peace Prize, while user Kunleadefioye asked: And what can one make of this Adokiye offer - genuine, gallery play, tacky postering or... Meanwhile, Islamists fighting for Boko Haram are leaving their forest hiding places after a number of senior militants died as a result of relentless attacks by snakes and bees, it has been claimed. Two suspected Boko Haram gunmen arrested in Maiduguri in north eastern Nigeria claimed that members of the group have now fled the Sambisa Forest, close to the border with Cameroon, following incessant snake bites and bee stings. Nigerias army have been trying to flush the militants out the area for months, but it appears they are now leaving voluntarily in the belief the attacks are the spirits of their victims haunting them.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 21:47:39 +0000

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