NIK, WHO WAS THAT BEAUTIFUL LADY HANGING WITH YOUR HUBBY? The other day a very attractive woman came to meet with my hubby at our office. In fact, everyone stopped what they were doing to admire her! My hubby took her to his office for a private meeting and shortly called me in to introduce us. Honestly, I was so happy with the Nik that stepped into that office that day. Not at all intimated by this gorgeous lady sitting with my hubby, not feeling the slightest bit territorial, just happy and confident with simply being me – the wife, mother and person God has called me to be! It’s about time, as it’s only taken me 41 years to get here, happy in my own skin. There will always be more attractive, smarter, charming, captivating women, but I’m loving this space where I am right now, content and filled with gratitude for who I am! Turns out this lady is in the cosmetic surgery business and she flies doctors in from all over the world to perform procedures here in Nigeria, but I’m not at all interested in any surgery! There are enough pretty women in the world, I’m here with a different assignment – to bring you closer to God! However, I do believe in trying to improve myself and working on becoming the best me possible through constant and never ending improvement. I’m proud that for the last couple of weeks I’ve been back on my exercise and eating healthy wagon, that I sometimes fall off of. And I’m loving my naturally curly hair, no more relaxers to straighten it, wigs or weaves and most importantly I’m loving doing me! Last night I was sick for just a few hours and that was enough to remind me to not take my health for granted. I got up this morning to exercise, veggie smoothie and my ‘Eating to Live’ were back on. I’m loving me, K! Finally! God, I’m abundantly grateful! WE ROLL WITH GOD!
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 12:04:27 +0000

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