NIKE,who feels miserable. Starting-point: Nikektóra się waha - - TopicsExpress


NIKE,who feels miserable. Starting-point: Nikektóra się waha - Zbigniew Herbert,1956 ANTIQUE MOTIFS! Nike is pretties of all her sisters when she is standing on crossroads! Nike,who is goddess of VICTORY, has womens doubts!?! MOJRY - three goddesses of destiny said her that the Solitary Man would have to perish! The Solitary Man will has to hit the bottle! The Solitary Man is going a long rut of military pram of lawlessness across rocks and junipers. He has already alternated the Man with bad temper!!!The Solitary Man is calm, cautious, communicative, creative, determined, disobedient, hard working, ... today. Nike is going to have affair with him yet she is in a bad mood! She has already understood the essence of mens solitude! Both LOVE AFFAIR and its sweetness weaken the Solitary Warrior! Nike hoped that the sweetness would accelerate the Solitary Warrior death! It was impossible to say when Nike would see the Solitary Warrior with open chest, closed eyes and with acrid OBOLOS from homeland uder numb mother tongue ... ! See you later,alligator... Nike takes liberties. PLaton protect Sokratesa - my pastish. Citizens of Aten! Idols have endowed you with Sokrates lately!If you had murdered Sokrates you would have done harm yourselves more than Sokratesowi. I used to know: The dishonest man has not moral right to be harmful the honest man... but I may not know similary today! Well,you will be able to murder Sokrates always. You will able : 1. deprive Sokrates of veneration; 2. deprive Sokrates of human rights; 3. sentence him to exile! What do you give his death? Have you better the Moral Signpost than Sokrates? Will idols contented? You are going to devastate idols gift! If you stand on crossroads the Moral Signpost idicates you safe road! I think your cruel decision is emotional decison. Citizens of Aten! Sokrates has been distinterested tutor from human and moral problems for a long time.Sokrates...independent thinking extracts you from national nap!Finish of national nap is umpleasant affection! The umpleasant affection causes yours aggressiveness ...
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 10:40:56 +0000

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