NIKISKI POOL SWIM CHALLENGE It is incredibly important that all - TopicsExpress


NIKISKI POOL SWIM CHALLENGE It is incredibly important that all participants and swimmers obey all pool safety rules…..especially the walking and including the stairs to the slide and diving board, because this is a race there will be a tendency to want to run. The pool guards will enforce the safety rules as necessary. At no time during the challenge will you be allowed to use the stairs to exit the pool. IN ORDER to help enforce the safety rules) if a contestant breaks a pool rule or has the whistle blown at them by a life guard, they will be penalized for a count of 15 seconds. After the challenge is finished being explained the team will have time to decide their strategy and then tell the host who is performing each station before you begin so that we can get the correct flipper size for the people needing flippers. The challenge is a team effort, the coach may assist along the way with reminders as where to go, strategy and form. Red team will be down one team mate so green team will choose who out of the red team will have to do an additional stage to fill in. This challenge is a race the winning team is the one who finishes first. Trainers participate in each event along with their contestants. Trainers can participate in any order. Start #1 200 SWIM Choose 4 team mates (Plus trainer). At the entrance to the lane, after entering the water, you must use the edge and perform 5 full body water dips before taking your position to begin your 50 meter swim (one lap of the pool down and back) – As a team you must swim a total of 200 (4 contestants 50 meters each = 200) (your choice freestyle, backstroke, butterfly AND kick board if needed. One contestant from each team will be allowed to be the designated users of the kick board if necessary otherwise only one kickboarder is allowed. #2 NOODLE KICK The remaining 3 team mates (Plus trainer). Enter from the same location as you entered the last stage. Each of the four contestants obtains noodle and Kicking either on your back or front a 25 meter length of the pool, then tagging the next team mate to complete this station. #3 LANE SQUATS (4 volunteers) – choose four team mates (Plus trainer). to complete this stage you will NEED GOGGLES!! – Two volunteers for each contestant. walk to the next stage for lane duck squats (four volunteers in the pool to slap hand and count 20 on each side. Each contestant must go under the water under the rope each time from side to side (see example). The volunteer will count out loud each time the hand is high fived. You may have additional team mates in the water holding your feet so not to slide (see example) VOLUNTEER START MOVING LANE DIVIDERS OUT OF THE WAY! #4 - 2 x SLIDE ALL the contestants under 250 lbs (Plus trainer) must do 8 complete slides. must walk to the stairs of the slide making their way up the stairs to the top and slide down the slide, bottom down, you must wait to enter the gate of the slide until the life guard gives the signal that the other team mate has made it out of the pool. Do not argue or shout out to the lifeguard or you will be penalized 15 seconds. Exit the pool at the designated edge by pushing yourself out from the edge with no assistance and perform 5 pushups on toes before continue. The slide must be performed 8 times total so some may have to do it more than once. #4 DIVING BOARD Two contestants (Plus trainer). (1 Volunteer at the stairs, monitoring that the contestant exits at the correct spot. Contestants make their way off the diving board by choice of jump, canon ball or dive off of the diving board but you must make your way to the edge and complete 10 full body to shoulders water dips coming up extending your arms at the designated edge of the pool (volunteer will count for verification, the water dip must be correct or it will not be counted). Get out and repeat for a total of two times. Then walk to the next stage. At no time may the team mates assist each other #5 Dive and Find (Trainer stands on deck this time). At the bottom of the pool All contestants will dive down and retrieve 10 objects from the bottom of the center of the pool, trainer may assist location of items from the deck. Once found hand all items to your trainer. After all 10 are accounted for by the team mate on the deck, make your way out of the pool, again by the edge of the pool exiting at the location of the trainer, the trainer must remain in one place (their choice) for all team mates to exit. YOU MUST NOT USE THE STAIRS TO GET OUT AFTER ANY STAGE #6 FINAL STAGE All contestants must line up where the challenge began at the edge, where the deep end meets the middle (same lane ass the challenge began see map) Each team trainer will find their boat in the kiddies pool complete with paddles. At no time may the trainer use more than one paddle. enter the kiddies pool from the stairway. Make your way with your boat out of the kiddies pool entering the center of the pool making their way to their contestants. One by one retrieve your contestants who may on the way back use the additional paddle in the boat make your way towards and around the yellow floating ball to the unloading zone marked by cones. The contestant gets out of the boat , do not dive out and they must water jog into the kiddie pool and wait for the remaining team. Once the teams are all in the kiddie pool and the trainer the trainer makes their way to the finish line, taking the balloon and popping it to signal time called. The first teams trainer who pops their balloon first wins the challenge!
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:34:00 +0000

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