NIMROD STUFF & THE “SANTA” DISQUISE We’ve heard all the - TopicsExpress


NIMROD STUFF & THE “SANTA” DISQUISE We’ve heard all the nice stuff; but what entanglements do we have with a man who supposedly flies horned beasts through the air at night? Is it about sorcery? He wears a wizard cap. The red costume is recent, but it’s the ancient color of fire. Its our cultural color for danger. The costume is trimmed in sheepskins. He descends into a fire pit at midnight ~ the hearth is directly linked to the idolatry of the Romans. The fire was sacred to them, and its place was the center of the Pagan worship of their deities. Our mythology of him comes to us through Angle-Land (Eng-land), and that traces to Holland, and Germany, and back to Turkey. One version involves a 3rd-century story about a “Saint Nicholas”; it had no mention of “elves”, chimneys, flying reindeer, or supernatural feats. The “Christmas tree” isn’t mentioned in the story. Christianity had made no in-roads into the northern areas of Angle Land, Hol Land, Scot Land, Fin Land, and Eire Land, until well into the 5th century. If anyone named “Nicholas” existed in Holland during the 3rd century, he was a Pagan who obeyed his Druid priests. In the 8th century, a man named Boniface encountered these Druidled people of the north, and sought to convert them. He saw them bringing oak trees into their homes at the winter solstice, decorating them with gold balls representing testicles (note picture on page 3). The word “Dru-id” means “oak-wise”, because oak trees were sacred to them. This comes from Babylon. At the death of Nimrod, the wife/mother Semiramis taught the young Tammuz to go into the groves (Asherim, forests) and place a gift on a tree at the winter solstice. This was an offering to his father, Nimrod, who was now the sun. The custom of tying a “yellow ribbon” around an oak tree represents a prayer to the sun. The oak tree was sacred to Odin*. At this point, branches of trees came to symbolize Nimrod also, so decorating Pagan temples and homes with holly, boughs, and wreaths was the custom. The wreaths are branches twisted into circles, so the branches would be associated with the sun, but were also representations of a WOMB and associated birth canal. Remember, it is the “nativity of the sun”. Ezekiel 8:14-18 shows how the women in Yerushalayim were “weeping for Tammuz”, and the Lewite priests (25 men) were facing the rising sun and putting a “branch” to their nose. These customs were called a detestable thing. “Do not learn the ways of the Gentiles, and do not be terrified by the signs (zodiac) of the skies, although the Gentiles are terrified by them; for the CUSTOMS of the Gentiles are DELUSION; they cut a tree from the forest, the work of a cutting tool, they DECORATE it with silver and gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers.jeremiah 10:1-6
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 22:08:46 +0000

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