NISA LECTURE (1) THE ROLE OF QUALITY EDUCATION IN A CHALLENGING SOCIETY Being a Paper Presented by Mr. Michael Maikarfi, Director, Sanga Academy, Chairman, National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools (NAPPS), Godogodo Zone & Aspirant of the Labour Party to the Kaduna State House of Assembly - Sanga Constituency at the NISA National Convention at Fadan – Ninzo, Saturday 27th December, 2014. Protocol! Introduction Our being here today speaks so much of the importance we attach to the future of Ninzo land. This is because we all believe that education is an instrument that can be used to bring about great positive changes in any society. For this singular reason, you have engaged yourself with rigorous academic activities at various higher institutions which have qualified you to be a member of the Ninzo Students Association (NISA). I salute you all for your contribution to self elevation and the exaltation of Aninzo in general. My first attendance at the NISA national convention was in December 2012 when you all deemed it fit to honour me with an award in recognition of my contribution to community development which was presented to me by Hon. Barnabas Bala (Bantex) who is now the running mate of a gubernatorial aspirant of one of the political parties in our great state. That was a great honour for which I shall forever remain grateful to this association. I am very sure that you will all agree with me that every nation, community or society is presently awake to the importance of education. It was in line with this that President Goodluck Jonathan, while receiving the report of the Presidential Task Team on Education on Tuesday, May 18, 2011 at the Presidential Villa, Abuja said “Education is core to whatever we want to do as a nation. Nigeria cannot make much progress towards the attainment of its vision 20 - 2020 unless we strengthen our educational system….” Globally, it is believed and generally accepted that no nation, people or community can develop beyond the educational level of its citizens. Therefore, the earlier we the Ninzo people embrace the pursuit of functional education to the highest level, the better for us as a people. It is on record that Ninzo land is the first place that the Christian missionaries reached with the gospel using western education and medical services as the conveyor belts to champion the gospel campaigns. This witnessed the establishment of the mission school in Randa and the health centre in Makeri which became the first in southern Kaduna. With this development, the Ninzo people had the golden opportunity of producing the first professor in Southern Kaduna in person of Prof. S. Y. Aku. While we discuss on the role of quality education and using NISA as a body to stimulate the pursuit of education to a higher level (tertiary institution), it should be noted that it is not any kind of education that counts. At this point therefore, I need to make it clear that for us and generation behind us to properly fit into the large society in which we live, we must be given quality and higher education today. For clarity, let me say that quality education means a high standard education that is capable of making an individual independent by enlightening the mind and preparing such person for gainful employment and productive living. This then means that any education that is not of good quality is useless, unprofitable and a huge waste of time and resources. This was a propelling force that triggered me to establish Sanga Academy in 2005 at the Local government headquarters so that our children and youths could have access to quality education. While I address you today on this topic, it will be proper that we take a careful look at three major issues. This is because I strongly believe that a good understanding of this lecture will greatly help parents, students, teachers and all stakeholders in doing their parts toward achieving quality education. In practical terms, if you see any reason to seek for any form of education, then you must ensure that such education is of good quality to make it worthwhile. ...Watch out for part 2....
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 21:44:52 +0000

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