NNAAC Welcomes Senate Vote on Immigration Reform Bill and Vows to - TopicsExpress


NNAAC Welcomes Senate Vote on Immigration Reform Bill and Vows to Keep Working for Fair Immigration Reform Today, the Senate passed an immigration reform bill that creates a pathway to citizenship for millions of immigrants. We applaud this important step towards full passage of immigration reform. Despite these progressive steps, the final version of the bill also contained the Corker-Hoeven amendment allowing for the militarization of our border, building walls between the U.S. and Mexico, and spending billions of our taxpayer dollars on pointless and excessive enforcement. As the bill moves to the House and the fight for immigration reform continues, we are committed to advocate for border fixes that are fair and uphold the civil and human rights of our fellow American and maintain the sanctity of our communities, and for an end of racial profiling based on race, ethnicity, religion and national origin. nnaac.org/2013/06/27/nnaac-welcomes-senate-vote-on-immigration-reform-bill-and-vows-to-keep-working-for-fair-immigration-reform/
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 21:58:23 +0000

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