NNPC AND SABOTEURS: SCARCITY OF PRODUCTS STRANGE TO THIS ADMINISTRATION.....PUBLIC OPINION POLL The acute shortage of fuel and associated products like kerosene and diesel which has resulted to an unusual long queues at the filling stations nation-wide just recently, is causing Nigerians sleepless nights as they are wondering what could have gone wrong! But findings across the nation suggests sabotage by product marketers who are predominantly members of the op[position party, APC. These marketers in league with their APC sponsors have taken to product hoarding and black-market supplies as a way to sabotage the efforts of the government for service-delivery and particularly to indict the hardworking oil minister. But they will fail! The reasons adduced by the marketers were rather political and totally disconnected from the simple supply and demand curves. In case Nigerians dont know the truth is that virtually all sectors of the economy are being sabotaged by the opposition party, APC for sheer political reasons only. A study of the group of marketers shows that some 99% of product marketers are strong card-carrying members of the APC and this is verifiable! Therefore, they will naturally incline to support their party to frustrate the efforts of the PDP-led federal government of the day. This is worrisome because their action is directly hurting the masses who look up to this administration for regular supply of products at all times. Nigerians will not forget in a hurry that scarcity of PMS and sundry products are not in the character of this administration as we have never witnessed such scarcity since this government came on board. This cheap politics of hoarding and speculative buying are man-made to punish Nigerians by the APC who want power by all means. Apparently, the ultimatum given to the hardworking minister is increasingly yielding positive results as regular and improved supply has been recorded in parts of the country including Abuja and Lagos among many other states. As we write now, some 33m liters of fuel has been supplied to beef up fuel availability in Lagos. DIKE
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 11:18:13 +0000

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