NO. ABSOLUTELY NO! WE SHOULD NOT PRINT OUR WEBSITES IN SPANISH. WE SHOULD NOT PRINT OUR BALLOTS IN SPANISH, WE SHOULD NOT PRINT ANY GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS IN SPANISH OR ANY LANGUAGE EXCEPT ENGLISH. When Hispanics come to the USA they know English is the language spoken and printed here. They should learn English BEFORE they come or if they do not speak English they should learn it immediately when they get here. They should try to fit into society; the word is ASSIMILATE. They should NOT try to FORCE the USA to become just like the Socialistic country they just ran away from. They should accept our rules, our laws, our traditions, our history, our culture or they should not come in the first place. They should not come here to change the USA or to get government benefits they are not entitled to. Of course they can speak their own language at home if they wish, but they will not become as successful as they would have been if they completely submerged themselves in the USA way of life and start thinking in English instead of Spanish, Chinese, or another foreign language. As long as foreign immigrants think in Spanish or Chinese or some other language, speaking only limited English, they are limited in the amount of success they can achieve. Their heart is in the old country. People like to do business with someone they can understand. That doesnt mean I have to learn their language to talk with them when this is my country. If you say, well they wont vote if you do not reach out to them and put everything in their language. I say NO ONE SHOULD VOTE IF THEY ARE NOT INFORMED EVEN IF THEY SPEAK ENGLISH. Voting when you are not informed is doubly dangerous. We not only have to recruit someone to cancel your vote, we have to recruit someone else to put us one vote ahead. When you vote wrong because you did not know the candidates or the issues, you cost us two votes. There is no way people can be informed if they do not speak and read English. I truly believe if people are not contributing to society they should not be allowed to vote. If they are not well informed about the candidates and the issues they should not vote at all and should let the informed people make the decisions. If they are not loyal to the USA they should not vote. Let the informed, patriotic citizens fight it out. Otherwise we are allowing the naïve, uneducated, dependent masses to shape policies. You can see where that is leading the USA. That is leading us straight toward Communism and distribution of wealth -- a Dictatorship. I challenge all citizens to become informed about the issues and the candidates.-- and then PLEASE VOTE. Elections will come out right more times than not if people are informed and if they are loyal to the USA instead of foreign countries. We will not be able to sustain our way of life if people are not critical thinkers, informed about the issues and the candidates.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 15:34:08 +0000

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