“NO AMENDMENT IS ABSOLUTE”: SENATOR SCHUMER TAKES OFF HIS MASK ON THE SENATE FLOOR---AGAIN “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” Does anybody know where the above mentioned words are found, and why they are important? If so, please send a copy of them to those who, apparently, don’t know, and, seemingly, have never even heard of these words, our rulers in Congress, especially Senator Charles Schumer, one of our rulers, one of the many hidden tyrants, in Washington. Not that it will really do any good, mind you, but we need to send a copy of these words to members of Congress, just to take away any possible excuses that they just didn’t know these words existed. There is no chance in appealing to their consciences, however, because tyrants don’t have consciences they listen to, on the right side of their brains. You will recall the commercial where there was a small image of the devil in a red jump suit, wielding a pitchfork for effect, standing on this person’s shoulder, talking in the person’s left ear, and an angelic figure, wearing a white outfit resembling the white gown Kim Kardashian wore to her wedding (for some reason), on the right, saying the opposite of what is said on the “Left.” Well, members of Congress are using the voice in their left ear, having placed cotton, I have to assume, in their right ear lobe, lest they remember why they were elected. Then, what would they do for a living? Strike that! What would they do, to become wealthy, in such an event, since they would no longer be able to do so at taxpayers’ expense, if they started governing, for a change, rather than ruling, which is the only change we can really believe in, because it is the only change we can really see? The country has been changed, before our very eyes, from a constitutional republic, to an oligarchy, where any mention of the Constitution could very well be inviting a visit to one’s home by the SWAT citizens, in black, which indicates the side of the brain they are also using, and if they show up, be sure to raise your hands, after hiding your dogs, especially if they are known to bark when someone kicks your front door in, and, never, ever, mention your rights in such encounters, which is a sure way of getting shot. Senator Charles Schumer, who is most certainly a tyrant, and, clearly, a psychotic misfit [Just listen to this man!], who, as a result, needs to be institutionalized as mentally incompetent, and psychologically unstable (and nope, I am not kidding). Schumer has come from behind his mask, again, to show us, ad nauseam, the clinical nature of his illness. This sick man, this time, is proposing to amend the First Amendment, so as to unleash Congress, from present restraints placed on its ability to attack Freedom of Speech, in this country, thus seeking to enable this body from HELL to further restrict “We the People” from criticizing “They the Dictators,” at the ballot box, or as it stands, today, at the voting machines, which can be programmed to even elect Elmer Fudd, and Miss Piggy, to Congress. Schumer, this time, is trying to conceal his tyranny, by pointing to the tyranny of the Supreme Court, in 1919, in the Schenck vs. United States case, where Oliver Wendell Holmes sought to limit the First Amendment’s absolutist decree that government cannot propose restrictions upon the right to free speech in this country, claiming one does not have the right to falsely holler fire in a public theater. Who Knew? People, like Schumer, and some of these jug heads, who write on my posts, wasting my time with their insanity, cite Holmes’ words as authoritative, never stopping to consider if anyone has ever taken a case to the Supreme Court, arguing they can just get up out of their seat, in a public theater, wave their hands in the air, and act like they just don’t care, and then scream, “Fire!,” like they are at a rap show. It might shock these fat heads to know that no one has ever stood before any court in this country, and argued they have a right to falsely holler fire in a public theater. No one is that crazy, although, with people like Schumer, and some of these mindless psychopaths in this country, in the general population, I am beginning to wonder. In the Schenck v. U.S. case, in which Holmes made his infamous, irrelevant, comment, the plaintiff questioned whether the federal government had the right to enforce legislation, nicely called the “Patriot Act.” Excuse me, I meant the “Anti-Espionage Act” of 1917. I got my dates mixed up, confusing today’s congressional tyranny, with Congress’s tyranny at the turn of the 20th century. The 20th century question was whether Congress could violate the First Amendment against a socialist agitator named Charles Schenck, who distributed pamphlets urging citizens to resist the draft, in WWI, for which Schenck had been arrested. Schenck appealed his case all the way up to the Supreme Court, only to hear the Court accuse him, apparently, of hollering fire in a public theater, thinking Schenck, one imagines, was hollering while people were eating popcorn, and members of the Supreme Court, were chewing bubble gum. The Court unanimously accepted Holmes’ opinion that you can’t falsely holler “Fire” in a public theater. Who had done so? Who even raised the question, except one Associate Justice by the name of Oliver Wendell Holmes, with eight other judges nodding their heads, in agreement, proud of themselves for being able to explain away the Constitution’s restraints on the federal government’s power, namely Congress’s, to restrict free speech in the United States. Now, here comes Schumer, and others of his ilk, in Congress, who want to do away with the First Amendment altogether, hiding behind Holmes’ shield, arguing that “democracy,” a word which is not even found in the Constitution, is being destroyed by corporate money, but the liberal media, to be sure, is fine since it only destroys the Democratic Party’s political opposition. What we are witnessing is the unmasking of tyrants, like Schumer, in Congress, who do not believe in the political system bequeathed to us by the nation’s Founding Fathers, as their “Posterity.” There is no question about it. The only question, now that Schumer, and others, in Congress, have disrobed, long enough, again, for us to see these tyrants, as they really are, without their masks, is, “What are ‘We the People’ going to do about it?”
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 17:37:27 +0000

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