NO CAMP PANIC INCREASES AS CAMERON DRAFTED IN ‘FEART’ CAMERON URGED TO AGREE TO DEBATE FIRST MINISTER The No campaign’s panic in the face of growing support for Yes has intensified today – with the news that David Cameron has been drafted in to play a more prominent role in the months ahead. Newspaper reports today suggest that Mr Cameron will attempt to defy his “toxic” image in Scotland with a series of daytrips north of the border in the coming months –leading to fresh calls for a head-to-head debate with the First Minister. David Cameron’s increasingly central role in the No campaign comes in the aftermath of senior Tory sources calling for the dismissal of Alistair Darling as the official No camp leader – who are concerned about the “dismal” state of their campaign. Commenting, SNP MSP Linda Fabiani said: “The No campaign is clearly in deep trouble if their response to their falling poll ratings is to draft in the unpopular Tory leader. Every time David Cameron takes a daytrip north of the border to talk Scotland down support for independence goes up! “This move is also a clear indication that that the No campaign’s Tory paymasters have lost all confidence in Alistair Darling after criticising his ‘dismal’ leadership – it is even clearer now that the No campaign is simply a Tory front. “If David Cameron wants to play a real part in the debate on Scotland’s future he should have the courage of his convictions and finally agree to a debate with the First Minister. “The First Minister has confirmed he would be glad to debate the issues– people in Scotland will be wondering why David Cameron is so feart.”
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 18:17:54 +0000

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