NO CHANGES TO MEDICARE ARE ACCEPTABLE TO LABOR! Opposition Leader Bill Shortens answer to ensuring the sustainability of Medicare was just revealed at a media conference in Melbourne, as: stop ANY changes to Medicare. In the last decade, spending on Medicare has more than doubled from $8 billion to $20 billion today, yet we raise only $10 billion from the Medicare levy. Spending on Medicare is projected to climb to $34 billion in the next decade to 2024 Not so long ago the Labor Party and the head of the AMA supported changes to end six minute medicine and to ensure the long-term sustainability of Medicare. Now, NO changes to Medicare are acceptable as far as Bill Shorten and the Labor Party are concerned! It remains absolutely critical that changes are made to ensure quality care for Australians and a secure future for Medicare. Changes are necessary so that appropriate, comprehensive care is better rewarded over high patient throughput. Longer consultation times are associated with better health outcomes for patients Without reform, Medicare will collapse under its own weight and jeopardise the world class, affordable health care Australians take for granted. Bill Shortens answer of NO CHANGE to Medicare is no answer at all.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 23:33:15 +0000

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